Here is the link to the Monday, March 15 call of all participants! We are all the responders and participants of this project, both the tethers and those who are going to the site. You will hear a great deal about that weaving in this amazing call.
I have a beautiful story to relay. I got home from school Tuesday, March 16. Several years ago, I met a man at the Universal Light Expo booth METApoints had here in Ohio. He is very in tune with his spirit guides, his spiritual work, and has organized his life in a pretty matter-of-fact way around this call on his life. He contacts me once or twice a year. He just happened to call on Tuesday evening, telling me that while he'd felt isolated during the winter, he suspected that isolation had a purpose, because now he felt very drawn to go do his work in the woods near his home. He said he knew something was up energetically. I told him about the Mimzy Project, and about the other groups mentioned on the 3/15 call that were summoned for some big activity on the same dates. He got it immediately. He told me this had him understand more about his work in his woods now. Then he said his guides were telling him to tell me something: "If you feel a big surge of Love during this time, you must go with it. That will be me! You must be sure to go with it. It is really important". I was floored, especially in light of what you'll hear on the recording of the 3/15 call, a lot of which was regarding the influx of Love coming through to this planet in these times. This is one more indicator of how real this whole process and event is.
You'll hear several ways in the 3/15 call that the Beings are getting incredible messages through to us. Accept that input as part of restoring your ideas of what it is to be human. Let those messages filter into your system so you'll see how important it is that you've responded to the call to the Mimzy Project, just as others have responded in their ways.
The next call is Monday, March 22 at 5pm PT/ 6pm MT/ 7pm CT/ 8pm ET. Call in on 218-936-4700 PIN 999326#. Tethers and site-goers alike, please join the call. You are welcome to share what has been moving through you, what you are experiencing, ideas regarding how you are preparing yourself for this time. There are several good suggestions on the 3/15 call as well. You are so important. Thank you for being among those who are response-able to this event.
Love Deb
Friday, March 19, 2010
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- Saturate Your Cells!
- METApoints offers private consultations, teleclasses, and telecalls shifting your world, your sense of self, and your way of thinking from separation to unity. You are welcome to take individual classes or develop yourself through a Metapoints curriculum.
Hello everyone!
Regarding the agitation and exhaustion mentioned
on the last Mimzy call, I love
when (whatever is occurring) begins to become
this energetically intense! The natural state of
exhilaration that usually also accompanies these
symptoms and this journey is like being
swallowed up in a sea of manic yet infinite
Very similar to being bombarded by the waves of
cosmic emanation from the center of creation
that occasionally cycle throughout the
planet/universe from time to time, everything
begins to speed up and to me it feels a lot like
“being driven” (rather than driving) to an
extreme edge. Historical global events tend to
coincide with these natural universal cycles.
I thought for a minute there that I was just
experiencing some of my own personal drama
coming to the surface due to some major
lifestyle changes and related unresolved
personal happenstances.
So it was quite a relief to see that a few
others have been experiencing similar symptoms
as well. Once caught in the current, to me it
can also feel like being washed downstream
through the rapids with nothing to hang onto,
and an urgent sense of monumental changes on the
I kind of see it as a purification combined with
a rite of passage, as these are the moments when
without sincere integrity, clarity, authentic
response, it is very possible to crash up on the
rocks and take a thrashing. Not as a
punishment, but as a blessing in the form of a
desperately needed course correction. This is
the time when everything that is not serving the
greater good gets shaken to its very foundation,
and when all is said and done there is either
rubble and ashes or a newly sculpted sustainable
structure that has proven to withstand the
ultimate test of the next level of spiritual
Whatever it is that deeply requires attention,
that may have been stuffed down or put off comes
full circle for final resolution. In personal
relations, if there has been ongoing mitigation
or unexpressed feelings and concerns on my part
or on the part of another, it can get downright
nasty and heated. This can be a time when
tempers fly off the handle and cosmic shit hits
the fan with full force. IE, de ca-ca begins to
come up and finally begins to move out.
Currently, (no pun intended), most of the major
resolutions needing addressing have already
taken place, and the aftermath of the ongoing
healing process has already begun. Yet I am
without a doubt (weather I like it or not), very
much caught up in taking a closer look at
my every intention and doing my best to operate
from authentic response in each and every
situation. It has been both challenging and
rewarding and yes extremely dramatic and
exhausting. And I would not trade these
experiences for the world, this is very much
living life at its fullest; when the propensity
for exponential growth meets its highest
Indeed these are the moments I live for!
Recommendations for myself and others going
through similar experiences are, hot baths,
massage, grounding in, solid nutrition, lots of
water, and most importantly never forgetting to
be kind and gentle with yourself (and others),
whenever possible during the amazing and
miraculous process!
With ecstatic joy, trusted, peaceful and
grounded bliss beyond measure! Kirk
Interesting, Kirk. I realized this past week that I can no longer suppress certain things. They HAVE to be brought out in the open or I'm going to implode. There is not way I can stuff it all in any longer.
I have also been getting a lot of 'stuff' around death and seem to be coming into the birthing of something new. I can't wait to see what it is.
Good luck with whatever it is you're working through. Enjoy the ride. ~Colleen
Thanks Coleen ~
I suppose most of what I am currently facing has been brewing for quite some time. Personal relationships, various unhealthy tenancies, financial meltdowns, career burnout, band drama etc, the list goes on... All coming to a head for resolution one way or another I suppose.. I am grateful things are starting to move. It's all good!
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