Good morning from the U.K.
The Mimzy Project has began……the energies coming from the full moon last night were amazing.
Has a time been arranged that we will all beam in together on Easter Sunday? (Deb: I'm waiting to hear guidance on this...I suspect it will rise from another tether, which seems odd since we could be gathering by simple phone call...however, it seems waiting is called for and I'll get the connection info out asap upon having clarity)
I also wanted to include some information on Avebury. It was not until I visited Stonehenge for the first time that I became aware of Avebury. (Deb: I could not get the pictures he sent to line up correctly here, so they are at the bottom except for this sketch of what archaeologists think Avebury's original design was.)

Like all megalithic monuments, including nearby Stonehenge, the purpose of Avebury is shrouded in mystery and speculation. Clearly immense effort was expended to build this monument, implying that the builders had a clear purpose. Without a clear record of their activities there though, today we are left only with what remains of the magnificent monument and our own creative imagination as to its purpose and possible uses.
It is known that when Christianity came to the area many of the stones were burned and destroyed in fear that they were used for pagan rituals. Today, pagan festivals take place there, and the site is regarded not just as an archaeological wonder but as a sacred site.
An interesting point is that the stones are of 2 types: a tall, skinny type and a short, squat type. It has been suggested that the tall skinny ones represent the male and the short squat ones the female gender. A pretty good guess, really, since male and female are the 2 complementary features of all life. Assuming that this monument has meaning, and that meaning is derived from the significant spiritual and/or natural aspects of life, the male-female duality is certainly a likely candidate. Ancestor worship has been suggested as a possible purpose of the Avebury stone circle, which is compatible with the male/female distinction.
The henge itself clearly is symbolic not defensive, since the ditch is on the inside. It does form an imposing boundary to the circle. One suggestion, based on the idea that the Avebury stone circle was built according to some astronomical alignment, is that the bank of the henge provides a uniform horizon by which to observe the rising and setting of various heavenly bodies.
Other theories have connected the Avebury stone circle to the crop circles that have appeared particularly in the English countryside in recent decades. Here, the idea that aliens are responsible for the crop circles ties in well to the idea, often suggested, that these huge megalithic stone monuments like the stones circle at Avebury could not have been built by ancient human culture alone, but were inspired and assisted, if not entirely built, by extraterrestrial aliens.
I have also attached a YouTube video regarding the crop circles around Avebury.
Avebury crop circle glyph strange symbols' meaning
Crop circle formation depicts planetary alignment corresponding to exact conclusion of Mayan calendar end date in December, 2012. In this video, there is included a deep trance meditation (DTM) by clairvoyant Douglas James Cottrell, giving his impressions of the meaning of the symbolism embedded in the crop formation.
A channeling was conducted at Avebury by Michelle Eloff who channeled Lord Kuthumi. This is what Lord Kuthumi said about Avebury. “The particular place that we are focusing on upon this day being Avebury is the location where the divine wisdom of Father God and the divine wisdom of Mother Goddess meet. It is where the solar and lunar ley lines cross. It is the point where Mary Magdalene is anchoring the divine aspect of the Holy Grail in an epheric form bringing the empowering force of self love and unconditional love within the realms of its greater expression into the physical consciousness of planetary consciousness.”
I feel it is no coincidence we all [people Clint has spoken to who have been to Avebury] resonate with Avebury after reading the above……..and feel this is the energy we are being asked to anchor with the group in Mt. Shasta. The empowering force of self love and unconditional love……..
Love, Light, and Blessings,
1 comment:
Lovely to hear of beautiful Avebury, it is a powerful site - my favourite! Thanks for this remembrance Clint.
I'm wondering if anyone else is experiencing heart chakra energy - my heart is experiencing a lot of pain that I only started tuning into today. I'm hoping they are just growing pains as my heart opens and stretches to encompass a greater definition and experience of love.
I had a bizarre image today of what is happening in Shasta - it's as if Tantra & co are pitching a tent - their job is anchoring in the pegs... I'm not sure what that means. Perhaps someone else gets it!
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