Here is the link again to the March 29 Mimzy Project call
And here is the general sequence of events for the on site participation:
The on-site participants are headed to Mt Shasta as we speak. Everyone will be there and the event formally begins tomorrow evening, Wed, Mar 31, at 5pm PT. They will move and engage "as the spirit(s) move them".
Thursday evening at 8pm ET, I will be on the conference line for any tethers who wish to connect in that way, including or especially for those who cannot join in on the 10pm ET call (see below). This call will be on 605-475-6006 PIN 999326# for at least 1/2 hour so we can connect and commune as part of our engagement as tethers, for whomever this form of expression is accurate.
Then, Thursday evening at 7pm PT/10pm ET, the on site participants will be holding a drumming circle. Everyone is invited to join me on the conference line: 605-475-6006 PIN 999326# at 7pm PT/10pm ET. Tantra will try to get onto the conference line. If she can, we can stay on the line as long as desired to be present to the drumming, sharing our energies into the circle and events on site. Then, whether we can connect via the conference line or not, Glenn will be recording some of the sound to run it through the VAHS to create water imprinted with the energies occurring at Mt Shasta. If you want more conversation regarding what the VAHS is/how it works, there is information on the METApoints website at (look under METAtechnologies), or you can call me (Deb) at 740-363-0693. This Mimzy-imbued water will be for sale, we think for $30 including shipping for two 16oz bottles of water but this will be confirmed after the event.
Sunday, April 4 is Easter. Tantra will host SpiritHour as usual that morning: 6:30am PT/9:30am ET. The phone number to call in for that is 712-432-0443 PIN 675968#. The Mimzy Beings have told Tantra that the highest focus or concentration of energetic activity between us/the planet and them/the cosmos will be mid morning to mid afternoon on Easter Sunday. I will get the specific times for you asap.
This gives you a general schedule. There may be more emails from on siters to all of us to share and connect so we can tether that energy into ourSelves, into our piece of the world. I dont know if this will happen, but it may. In the meantime, connect and participate as only you can. That may mean dance, art, making music, certain rituals to which you feel called, gardening, writing, or many other forms of expression. I feel very called to gardening, knitting (which I do for relaxation, but this time it is a ritual of weaving the grid), and being available by phone or email to any and all of you. Your participation may entail sitting very still, whether in meditation or in "simple" Silence. For some of you, a social gathering is it. You'll know. Most importantly, IT IS YOU THAT IS THE CONTRIBUTION, NOT WHAT YOU DO. The doing, the activity that may be what you use to engage, is an expression of your Self in or on the physical plane.
Celebrate yourself, your Self. Celebrate the metapoint of yourself with every other aspect of your existence, for this is a time of coming to the next greater whole of what connects you to life and what it is to live as whole.
Love Deb
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
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- Saturate Your Cells!
- METApoints offers private consultations, teleclasses, and telecalls shifting your world, your sense of self, and your way of thinking from separation to unity. You are welcome to take individual classes or develop yourself through a Metapoints curriculum.
1 comment:
Hi, Every Buddy and Every Being.
Today's topic:
Energy, Light, and Destiny...on the Internet and in New Jersey
The Energy, I believe, is moving so much and so big that my Internet is and/or keeps going down. And, I can't believe how disconnected I feel without I-T! This also jeopardizes my ability to be on the Spirit call and the Mimzy Call! So, I reach out to my community for support. Can we stand together in putting out a 'permanent fix' voo-doo hoax to have it all and have it all work!?!
Tether Me. Tether You.
Thank you, Mimzy Loverz!
And...I'm not usually into headlines at all, but this second one caught my eye and pulled me in, also in New Jersey. What's up with the Garden State? Food for Thought and Fodder for Growth indeed!
I won't send this whole second story because it's really quite heinous, disturbing, and upsetting. Bottom-line: A little girl of 7 was gang-raped, and I want to create a community of people praying for her and holding her in the Light. That's us.
I'm not sure how it's appropriate to gather the community. I think each of us in our own way would be great. I certainly don't want this to get 'on' anyone. And, at the same time, it's may take somethin' ~ a divine intervention of sorts from some Gods, Goddessess, and God-Beingz gathered at a little ol' mountain called Shasta ~ to have this little girl stay in the Light, and to Remember who she is, and always will be, and only ever was in the Light and of the Light.
They do have in custody some of the people responsible for this heinous act. May the Light Show Them The Way, too. May we all find the path out of our insanity.
And, speaking of Light, has anyone ever noticed the only difference between 'Density' and 'Destiny' is where you put your "eNd"? :) (copyright Holley Jaxon)
Let's keep that in mind for the Children of the Gods that all of us are.
Mimzy This, Dark Side!
Comin' to Ya from Korea...
Comin' at Ya from Above...
Love, Holley
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