As people gathered in the front of the large lodge that part of group was staying in, both laughter and silence created an equivocation of connection among all the people gathered. No one really knew each other and yet there was no separation. In the Work of Metapoints, we speak of the MetaSelf, a self that knows itself and its unique and essential connection to the whole. Sarah, one lead expressed herself through her direct connection as did Sophia, as did I. In that place, you go beyond partnership into the unified field of oneness where the metapoint of all parties concerned express a largeness that is rarely experienced. Not only the three of us that were the each person came, within the field they resonated with their own beingness, until the state of experience that we were in already was stable and infused. I sat listening to Sophia share about going to the places that were chosen as connecting points, the same exact points I was guided to that she had no prior knowledge of...
Every part of this project has been a metapoint, a meeting place of self and other, self and self, and self and the great whole of which each of us is a unique and essential part. Georgia who is our chef, everyone as they joined into the creative energy of being. This is not a retreat. Each of us came to be at work on behalf of all humanity including our own.
When I sit down to write in the evening, I struggle to express the ineffable....even the highs and lows that usually would be noticed are simply small ripples in the constancy of creation occurring here.
Every night, I sit down and read Facebook and the Mimzy blog and get text messages from so many people as they connect in. I am part a great radius of beingness both human and cosmic in form. I love struggling to use language to presence what is newly becoming.
Not only what is newly becoming. So many things we have believed and not seen or experienced are now at hand.
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Dear All (from Clint in England, one of the tethers, who feels called to these sites as his activity of tether)
Good morning from the U.K.
The Mimzy Project has began……the energies coming from the full moon last night were amazing.
Has a time been arranged that we will all beam in together on Easter Sunday? (Deb: I'm waiting to hear guidance on this...I suspect it will rise from another tether, which seems odd since we could be gathering by simple phone call...however, it seems waiting is called for and I'll get the connection info out asap upon having clarity)
I also wanted to include some information on Avebury. It was not until I visited Stonehenge for the first time that I became aware of Avebury. (Deb: I could not get the pictures he sent to line up correctly here, so they are at the bottom except for this sketch of what archaeologists think Avebury's original design was.)
The Avebury Stone Circle is located by the village of Avebury in Wiltshire county, England, close to the more famous Stonehenge. Built as much as 5,000 years ago, it is one of the finest Neolithic monuments in Europe. It also includes a large henge, or circular boundary earthwork with a ditch and an external bank.While today it functions mainly as a tourist attraction, pagan festivals are also conducted at the Avebury site, reflecting the understanding that the monument was originally used for pagan, particularly Druid, rituals. Today, many believe that the Avebury stone circle remains a center of spiritual energy, connecting us both to the ancient culture of the past who built it and to the eternal future of the spiritual realm.
Like all megalithic monuments, including nearby Stonehenge, the purpose of Avebury is shrouded in mystery and speculation. Clearly immense effort was expended to build this monument, implying that the builders had a clear purpose. Without a clear record of their activities there though, today we are left only with what remains of the magnificent monument and our own creative imagination as to its purpose and possible uses.
It is known that when Christianity came to the area many of the stones were burned and destroyed in fear that they were used for pagan rituals. Today, pagan festivals take place there, and the site is regarded not just as an archaeological wonder but as a sacred site.
An interesting point is that the stones are of 2 types: a tall, skinny type and a short, squat type. It has been suggested that the tall skinny ones represent the male and the short squat ones the female gender. A pretty good guess, really, since male and female are the 2 complementary features of all life. Assuming that this monument has meaning, and that meaning is derived from the significant spiritual and/or natural aspects of life, the male-female duality is certainly a likely candidate. Ancestor worship has been suggested as a possible purpose of the Avebury stone circle, which is compatible with the male/female distinction.
The henge itself clearly is symbolic not defensive, since the ditch is on the inside. It does form an imposing boundary to the circle. One suggestion, based on the idea that the Avebury stone circle was built according to some astronomical alignment, is that the bank of the henge provides a uniform horizon by which to observe the rising and setting of various heavenly bodies.
Other theories have connected the Avebury stone circle to the crop circles that have appeared particularly in the English countryside in recent decades. Here, the idea that aliens are responsible for the crop circles ties in well to the idea, often suggested, that these huge megalithic stone monuments like the stones circle at Avebury could not have been built by ancient human culture alone, but were inspired and assisted, if not entirely built, by extraterrestrial aliens.
I have also attached a YouTube video regarding the crop circles around Avebury.
Avebury crop circle glyph strange symbols' meaning
Crop circle formation depicts planetary alignment corresponding to exact conclusion of Mayan calendar end date in December, 2012. In this video, there is included a deep trance meditation (DTM) by clairvoyant Douglas James Cottrell, giving his impressions of the meaning of the symbolism embedded in the crop formation.
A channeling was conducted at Avebury by Michelle Eloff who channeled Lord Kuthumi. This is what Lord Kuthumi said about Avebury. “The particular place that we are focusing on upon this day being Avebury is the location where the divine wisdom of Father God and the divine wisdom of Mother Goddess meet. It is where the solar and lunar ley lines cross. It is the point where Mary Magdalene is anchoring the divine aspect of the Holy Grail in an epheric form bringing the empowering force of self love and unconditional love within the realms of its greater expression into the physical consciousness of planetary consciousness.”
I feel it is no coincidence we all [people Clint has spoken to who have been to Avebury] resonate with Avebury after reading the above……..and feel this is the energy we are being asked to anchor with the group in Mt. Shasta. The empowering force of self love and unconditional love……..
Love, Light, and Blessings,
Good morning from the U.K.
The Mimzy Project has began……the energies coming from the full moon last night were amazing.
Has a time been arranged that we will all beam in together on Easter Sunday? (Deb: I'm waiting to hear guidance on this...I suspect it will rise from another tether, which seems odd since we could be gathering by simple phone call...however, it seems waiting is called for and I'll get the connection info out asap upon having clarity)
I also wanted to include some information on Avebury. It was not until I visited Stonehenge for the first time that I became aware of Avebury. (Deb: I could not get the pictures he sent to line up correctly here, so they are at the bottom except for this sketch of what archaeologists think Avebury's original design was.)

Like all megalithic monuments, including nearby Stonehenge, the purpose of Avebury is shrouded in mystery and speculation. Clearly immense effort was expended to build this monument, implying that the builders had a clear purpose. Without a clear record of their activities there though, today we are left only with what remains of the magnificent monument and our own creative imagination as to its purpose and possible uses.
It is known that when Christianity came to the area many of the stones were burned and destroyed in fear that they were used for pagan rituals. Today, pagan festivals take place there, and the site is regarded not just as an archaeological wonder but as a sacred site.
An interesting point is that the stones are of 2 types: a tall, skinny type and a short, squat type. It has been suggested that the tall skinny ones represent the male and the short squat ones the female gender. A pretty good guess, really, since male and female are the 2 complementary features of all life. Assuming that this monument has meaning, and that meaning is derived from the significant spiritual and/or natural aspects of life, the male-female duality is certainly a likely candidate. Ancestor worship has been suggested as a possible purpose of the Avebury stone circle, which is compatible with the male/female distinction.
The henge itself clearly is symbolic not defensive, since the ditch is on the inside. It does form an imposing boundary to the circle. One suggestion, based on the idea that the Avebury stone circle was built according to some astronomical alignment, is that the bank of the henge provides a uniform horizon by which to observe the rising and setting of various heavenly bodies.
Other theories have connected the Avebury stone circle to the crop circles that have appeared particularly in the English countryside in recent decades. Here, the idea that aliens are responsible for the crop circles ties in well to the idea, often suggested, that these huge megalithic stone monuments like the stones circle at Avebury could not have been built by ancient human culture alone, but were inspired and assisted, if not entirely built, by extraterrestrial aliens.
I have also attached a YouTube video regarding the crop circles around Avebury.
Avebury crop circle glyph strange symbols' meaning
Crop circle formation depicts planetary alignment corresponding to exact conclusion of Mayan calendar end date in December, 2012. In this video, there is included a deep trance meditation (DTM) by clairvoyant Douglas James Cottrell, giving his impressions of the meaning of the symbolism embedded in the crop formation.
A channeling was conducted at Avebury by Michelle Eloff who channeled Lord Kuthumi. This is what Lord Kuthumi said about Avebury. “The particular place that we are focusing on upon this day being Avebury is the location where the divine wisdom of Father God and the divine wisdom of Mother Goddess meet. It is where the solar and lunar ley lines cross. It is the point where Mary Magdalene is anchoring the divine aspect of the Holy Grail in an epheric form bringing the empowering force of self love and unconditional love within the realms of its greater expression into the physical consciousness of planetary consciousness.”
I feel it is no coincidence we all [people Clint has spoken to who have been to Avebury] resonate with Avebury after reading the above……..and feel this is the energy we are being asked to anchor with the group in Mt. Shasta. The empowering force of self love and unconditional love……..
Love, Light, and Blessings,
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
March 30th, 2010 At Mt Shasta
How do I even begin to presence the remarkable experience that we walked into. Glenn, my husband, and I picked up Rita and Ava and headed to Mt Shasta to meet with Sophia, Sarah, Maureen, Connie, and Barbara who have been here since Saturday. Arriving into the bright faces of Connie and Sarah was almost overwhelming, in that most wonderful way that only can happen when you are in the presence of the magic of the people and the mountain. Just like the Beings all speaking at once that day, the excitement of the five ladies who have had experience after experience since their arrival, the talking never ceased again in that most wonderful way.
We are in the grace of a wonderful B&B, cottage, carriage house, vacation home, host, Bill at Mt Shasta Ranch just outside of town with a great view of Mt Shasta. Yes, we took over the place. Sophia being the lead has traveled the world working with Beings who have a benevolent and intelligence unity with this planet. I was thinking as she zapped me at dinner while explaining how she anchor energy at a certain location, how brilliant life is to have such an extraordinary compatriot as she. Connie and Sarah are preparing an endearing welcome for the participants who are on their way. Maureen and Barbara and working with Sophia opening up the areas that we will be going to these next few days. They are buzzing with love and joy and oh yes...ecstasy...all of is infectious.
Now I am curled up by my husband with my dog at my feet smiling. I have waited so long for this moment in time. I know there will be other moments like this one and have been for others this last year. We are the DNA of this earth. The Beings said to me today as I went to the confluence of the North and South American Rivers...we see through your eyes (meaning all of us, not just me)..we hear through your ears....we touch through your are the new dreamers..we have come here to dream with you.
I so hope that the people who read this blog can feel with me what it is like to feel yourself in the presence of intelligences that are ageless compared to us. Older than is humanly imaginable. Feeling them without bias or malice is like feeling a world that we truly once knew and I believe dreamed into existence. Something interrupted our dreaming and we lost touch with our ability to remember. Now we are.
When I was down at the confluence of the two rivers and I opened the vortex where the rivers joined, they were opening the vortex in a lake up here at the same time. In both areas, a jet geyser of energy spun into the sky. Where I was a hole appeared in the thick dark clouds to let the blue sky in. Then the blue sky began to take over the sky. The same thing happened here at Shasta.
I am hoping I can sit down with the "girls" who have been here and type or record their experience.
They have met the extraordinary people of Shasta and have been profoundly welcomed and welcoming. People from all over the country and the world have called me all day long.
I watched Little Grandma's video from Santa Fe and one thing rang in my ears..."Soon we can hear and others will hear. Soon there will be no barriers between ourselves and the great Beings who love us and our planet. Soon."
On that note, I am off to bed listening to the hum of happy voices down the call. We have come together in unity. Yes!
We are in the grace of a wonderful B&B, cottage, carriage house, vacation home, host, Bill at Mt Shasta Ranch just outside of town with a great view of Mt Shasta. Yes, we took over the place. Sophia being the lead has traveled the world working with Beings who have a benevolent and intelligence unity with this planet. I was thinking as she zapped me at dinner while explaining how she anchor energy at a certain location, how brilliant life is to have such an extraordinary compatriot as she. Connie and Sarah are preparing an endearing welcome for the participants who are on their way. Maureen and Barbara and working with Sophia opening up the areas that we will be going to these next few days. They are buzzing with love and joy and oh yes...ecstasy...all of is infectious.
Now I am curled up by my husband with my dog at my feet smiling. I have waited so long for this moment in time. I know there will be other moments like this one and have been for others this last year. We are the DNA of this earth. The Beings said to me today as I went to the confluence of the North and South American Rivers...we see through your eyes (meaning all of us, not just me)..we hear through your ears....we touch through your are the new dreamers..we have come here to dream with you.
I so hope that the people who read this blog can feel with me what it is like to feel yourself in the presence of intelligences that are ageless compared to us. Older than is humanly imaginable. Feeling them without bias or malice is like feeling a world that we truly once knew and I believe dreamed into existence. Something interrupted our dreaming and we lost touch with our ability to remember. Now we are.
When I was down at the confluence of the two rivers and I opened the vortex where the rivers joined, they were opening the vortex in a lake up here at the same time. In both areas, a jet geyser of energy spun into the sky. Where I was a hole appeared in the thick dark clouds to let the blue sky in. Then the blue sky began to take over the sky. The same thing happened here at Shasta.
I am hoping I can sit down with the "girls" who have been here and type or record their experience.
They have met the extraordinary people of Shasta and have been profoundly welcomed and welcoming. People from all over the country and the world have called me all day long.
I watched Little Grandma's video from Santa Fe and one thing rang in my ears..."Soon we can hear and others will hear. Soon there will be no barriers between ourselves and the great Beings who love us and our planet. Soon."
On that note, I am off to bed listening to the hum of happy voices down the call. We have come together in unity. Yes!
Cosmic Beings,
I Am Presence,
Mt. Shasta
Here is the link again to the March 29 Mimzy Project call
And here is the general sequence of events for the on site participation:
The on-site participants are headed to Mt Shasta as we speak. Everyone will be there and the event formally begins tomorrow evening, Wed, Mar 31, at 5pm PT. They will move and engage "as the spirit(s) move them".
Thursday evening at 8pm ET, I will be on the conference line for any tethers who wish to connect in that way, including or especially for those who cannot join in on the 10pm ET call (see below). This call will be on 605-475-6006 PIN 999326# for at least 1/2 hour so we can connect and commune as part of our engagement as tethers, for whomever this form of expression is accurate.
Then, Thursday evening at 7pm PT/10pm ET, the on site participants will be holding a drumming circle. Everyone is invited to join me on the conference line: 605-475-6006 PIN 999326# at 7pm PT/10pm ET. Tantra will try to get onto the conference line. If she can, we can stay on the line as long as desired to be present to the drumming, sharing our energies into the circle and events on site. Then, whether we can connect via the conference line or not, Glenn will be recording some of the sound to run it through the VAHS to create water imprinted with the energies occurring at Mt Shasta. If you want more conversation regarding what the VAHS is/how it works, there is information on the METApoints website at (look under METAtechnologies), or you can call me (Deb) at 740-363-0693. This Mimzy-imbued water will be for sale, we think for $30 including shipping for two 16oz bottles of water but this will be confirmed after the event.
Sunday, April 4 is Easter. Tantra will host SpiritHour as usual that morning: 6:30am PT/9:30am ET. The phone number to call in for that is 712-432-0443 PIN 675968#. The Mimzy Beings have told Tantra that the highest focus or concentration of energetic activity between us/the planet and them/the cosmos will be mid morning to mid afternoon on Easter Sunday. I will get the specific times for you asap.
This gives you a general schedule. There may be more emails from on siters to all of us to share and connect so we can tether that energy into ourSelves, into our piece of the world. I dont know if this will happen, but it may. In the meantime, connect and participate as only you can. That may mean dance, art, making music, certain rituals to which you feel called, gardening, writing, or many other forms of expression. I feel very called to gardening, knitting (which I do for relaxation, but this time it is a ritual of weaving the grid), and being available by phone or email to any and all of you. Your participation may entail sitting very still, whether in meditation or in "simple" Silence. For some of you, a social gathering is it. You'll know. Most importantly, IT IS YOU THAT IS THE CONTRIBUTION, NOT WHAT YOU DO. The doing, the activity that may be what you use to engage, is an expression of your Self in or on the physical plane.
Celebrate yourself, your Self. Celebrate the metapoint of yourself with every other aspect of your existence, for this is a time of coming to the next greater whole of what connects you to life and what it is to live as whole.
Love Deb
And here is the general sequence of events for the on site participation:
The on-site participants are headed to Mt Shasta as we speak. Everyone will be there and the event formally begins tomorrow evening, Wed, Mar 31, at 5pm PT. They will move and engage "as the spirit(s) move them".
Thursday evening at 8pm ET, I will be on the conference line for any tethers who wish to connect in that way, including or especially for those who cannot join in on the 10pm ET call (see below). This call will be on 605-475-6006 PIN 999326# for at least 1/2 hour so we can connect and commune as part of our engagement as tethers, for whomever this form of expression is accurate.
Then, Thursday evening at 7pm PT/10pm ET, the on site participants will be holding a drumming circle. Everyone is invited to join me on the conference line: 605-475-6006 PIN 999326# at 7pm PT/10pm ET. Tantra will try to get onto the conference line. If she can, we can stay on the line as long as desired to be present to the drumming, sharing our energies into the circle and events on site. Then, whether we can connect via the conference line or not, Glenn will be recording some of the sound to run it through the VAHS to create water imprinted with the energies occurring at Mt Shasta. If you want more conversation regarding what the VAHS is/how it works, there is information on the METApoints website at (look under METAtechnologies), or you can call me (Deb) at 740-363-0693. This Mimzy-imbued water will be for sale, we think for $30 including shipping for two 16oz bottles of water but this will be confirmed after the event.
Sunday, April 4 is Easter. Tantra will host SpiritHour as usual that morning: 6:30am PT/9:30am ET. The phone number to call in for that is 712-432-0443 PIN 675968#. The Mimzy Beings have told Tantra that the highest focus or concentration of energetic activity between us/the planet and them/the cosmos will be mid morning to mid afternoon on Easter Sunday. I will get the specific times for you asap.
This gives you a general schedule. There may be more emails from on siters to all of us to share and connect so we can tether that energy into ourSelves, into our piece of the world. I dont know if this will happen, but it may. In the meantime, connect and participate as only you can. That may mean dance, art, making music, certain rituals to which you feel called, gardening, writing, or many other forms of expression. I feel very called to gardening, knitting (which I do for relaxation, but this time it is a ritual of weaving the grid), and being available by phone or email to any and all of you. Your participation may entail sitting very still, whether in meditation or in "simple" Silence. For some of you, a social gathering is it. You'll know. Most importantly, IT IS YOU THAT IS THE CONTRIBUTION, NOT WHAT YOU DO. The doing, the activity that may be what you use to engage, is an expression of your Self in or on the physical plane.
Celebrate yourself, your Self. Celebrate the metapoint of yourself with every other aspect of your existence, for this is a time of coming to the next greater whole of what connects you to life and what it is to live as whole.
Love Deb
Monday, March 29, 2010
Here is the link to the March 29 Mimzy Project Call
Here is the link to the March 22 Mimzy Project call
Tonight's call was outstanding, powerful. Imagine this kind of energy and expression as the potential, real likelihood, of our daily lives. Everything you'll hear on this call is you.
Love Deb
Here is the link to the March 22 Mimzy Project call
Tonight's call was outstanding, powerful. Imagine this kind of energy and expression as the potential, real likelihood, of our daily lives. Everything you'll hear on this call is you.
Love Deb
Friday, March 19, 2010
Here is the link to the Monday, March 15 call of all participants! We are all the responders and participants of this project, both the tethers and those who are going to the site. You will hear a great deal about that weaving in this amazing call.
I have a beautiful story to relay. I got home from school Tuesday, March 16. Several years ago, I met a man at the Universal Light Expo booth METApoints had here in Ohio. He is very in tune with his spirit guides, his spiritual work, and has organized his life in a pretty matter-of-fact way around this call on his life. He contacts me once or twice a year. He just happened to call on Tuesday evening, telling me that while he'd felt isolated during the winter, he suspected that isolation had a purpose, because now he felt very drawn to go do his work in the woods near his home. He said he knew something was up energetically. I told him about the Mimzy Project, and about the other groups mentioned on the 3/15 call that were summoned for some big activity on the same dates. He got it immediately. He told me this had him understand more about his work in his woods now. Then he said his guides were telling him to tell me something: "If you feel a big surge of Love during this time, you must go with it. That will be me! You must be sure to go with it. It is really important". I was floored, especially in light of what you'll hear on the recording of the 3/15 call, a lot of which was regarding the influx of Love coming through to this planet in these times. This is one more indicator of how real this whole process and event is.
You'll hear several ways in the 3/15 call that the Beings are getting incredible messages through to us. Accept that input as part of restoring your ideas of what it is to be human. Let those messages filter into your system so you'll see how important it is that you've responded to the call to the Mimzy Project, just as others have responded in their ways.
The next call is Monday, March 22 at 5pm PT/ 6pm MT/ 7pm CT/ 8pm ET. Call in on 218-936-4700 PIN 999326#. Tethers and site-goers alike, please join the call. You are welcome to share what has been moving through you, what you are experiencing, ideas regarding how you are preparing yourself for this time. There are several good suggestions on the 3/15 call as well. You are so important. Thank you for being among those who are response-able to this event.
Love Deb
I have a beautiful story to relay. I got home from school Tuesday, March 16. Several years ago, I met a man at the Universal Light Expo booth METApoints had here in Ohio. He is very in tune with his spirit guides, his spiritual work, and has organized his life in a pretty matter-of-fact way around this call on his life. He contacts me once or twice a year. He just happened to call on Tuesday evening, telling me that while he'd felt isolated during the winter, he suspected that isolation had a purpose, because now he felt very drawn to go do his work in the woods near his home. He said he knew something was up energetically. I told him about the Mimzy Project, and about the other groups mentioned on the 3/15 call that were summoned for some big activity on the same dates. He got it immediately. He told me this had him understand more about his work in his woods now. Then he said his guides were telling him to tell me something: "If you feel a big surge of Love during this time, you must go with it. That will be me! You must be sure to go with it. It is really important". I was floored, especially in light of what you'll hear on the recording of the 3/15 call, a lot of which was regarding the influx of Love coming through to this planet in these times. This is one more indicator of how real this whole process and event is.
You'll hear several ways in the 3/15 call that the Beings are getting incredible messages through to us. Accept that input as part of restoring your ideas of what it is to be human. Let those messages filter into your system so you'll see how important it is that you've responded to the call to the Mimzy Project, just as others have responded in their ways.
The next call is Monday, March 22 at 5pm PT/ 6pm MT/ 7pm CT/ 8pm ET. Call in on 218-936-4700 PIN 999326#. Tethers and site-goers alike, please join the call. You are welcome to share what has been moving through you, what you are experiencing, ideas regarding how you are preparing yourself for this time. There are several good suggestions on the 3/15 call as well. You are so important. Thank you for being among those who are response-able to this event.
Love Deb
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- Saturate Your Cells!
- METApoints offers private consultations, teleclasses, and telecalls shifting your world, your sense of self, and your way of thinking from separation to unity. You are welcome to take individual classes or develop yourself through a Metapoints curriculum.