Here are shares that I am recording for all of us to consider or connect to. This is a comment from my friend Debbie H. who just saw Avatar. Mt Shasta is considered a home of the giants.
I know you had a telecall about this movie awhile back, but did not see Avatar until last weekend. Now I know why. I have been rereading "Ancient Secrets of the Flower of Life" by Drunvalo Melchizidek and it was so powerful to re-remember the wisdom and then see the movie. The Navi race of beings are a depiction of the future of humanity. We as humans are in the second level of human consciousness evolution, the first being the Aborigines. The first level species is smaller with a fewer number of chromosomes, then the second level is an interim level, not fully complete or whole, kinda like a black key on the musical scale, but the third level of consciousness is typically 11-16 ft tall, telepathic and able to create with thoughts. The fourth level is 55 ft tall, like the Hathor statues in Egypt. Another proof is that the Egyptians via Atlanteans knew how to access higher dimensions through rituals in the sarcophagus in the pyramid; so how did the scientists synch with their Avatars? Those pods look like sarcophagus' to me!!! Also, in Hank Westerman's books, he connects with his future self where he is much taller and living in a primal society. So I don't know if that came up in your discussions, but I just had to share. The other thing I realized is that the "divine blueprint" that I keep hearing about, well, I think it means the DNA pattern is the flower of life, not the double helix. And it seems to me that if the full flower of life was the dna structure, then the physical body would have to be at least 55 ft tall to integrate it all in. be well. love, deb
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
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- Saturate Your Cells!
- METApoints offers private consultations, teleclasses, and telecalls shifting your world, your sense of self, and your way of thinking from separation to unity. You are welcome to take individual classes or develop yourself through a Metapoints curriculum.
Thank you for mentioning this - the Spiritwalker series, by Hank Wesselman, has been coming up a lot for me around this project as well. Hank was an established anthropologist who first encountered his "future ancestor" in a powerful dream he had while on a dig in Ethiopia. The Spiritwalker series is a depiction of his journey from anthropologist to shaman. His wife, Jill Kuykendall, started as a physical therapist and now does soul retrievals.
Many of us have been experiencing vivid dreams around this project and/or since signing up for it. I believe we have been spiritwalking - not only interacting with the beings who summoned us, but also with one another. And, we are not strangers. When I first met Hank years ago he said to me, "I know we've been together before because we're together now, doing this work."
I say to you all: I know we've been together before because we're together now, doing this work. I see you. I feel you. I love you.
Hi Everyone !
I'm not part of the group to Shasta, but have been greatly intrigued by it's unfolding.
Called my buddy Tom yesterday for a quick discourse on Shasta/Mimzy, and asked if he had ever seen The Last Mimzy movie.
Well, not only did he just see it about a week ago, it inspired him to make this table, which I stopped by to take a picture of.
How's that for synchronicity?
Blessings, Kirk
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