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- Saturate Your Cells!
- METApoints offers private consultations, teleclasses, and telecalls shifting your world, your sense of self, and your way of thinking from separation to unity. You are welcome to take individual classes or develop yourself through a Metapoints curriculum.
Just checking in to see what's new on the Mimzy Blogger. I'm so excited about our second call tomorrow afternoon. Also, I wrote up the following impression just after the January 18 call, though never actually put it out here to share. Figure I'd better do so now, for tomorrow will bring a whole new insight and chapter to our experience.
~Calm centering~ So I'm still at the office after finding a quiet niche in which to connect with the 1/18/09 Mimzy conference call-in at 4-5 PM Alaska time. I feel wonderful, energized, like my body's vibrating at a frequency quite different than it was before this call. Now, sitting at my workspace computer station again and looking at a monitor of technical data, my cells feel like they're beginning to shift again. I'm reminded of a dimensional shift experienced at Mt. Shasta some years ago. Wonderful memories, some of which I'd like to reminisce as a point of reference:
It was a warm Summer Solstice day, about 7 years ago. I had driven 400 miles to be at Mt. Shasta on this Sabbat, camped out at McBride Springs the night before and was now drawn to an invitation to participate in a Sacred Springs Solstice tour around the Shasta area. Our guide Raylene was a charming woman whom I affectionately refer to as the fairy godmother. She first took us to Big Spring, the headwaters of the Sacramento River located in Mount Shasta City Park where two large springs of clear pure water pour out of mountainside from beneath the rocks and bushes. There, the fairy godmother introduced us to the native plants and described their "signature" on the landscape.
From Mt. Shasta City Park, we drove in the direction the springs flow towards Lake Siskiyou, and out a dirt road near Box Canyon Dam to find the trailhead to Soda Springs and Fairy Falls. Then we hiked along the dirt road for a while until a small trail veered downhill to what looked like the ruins of an ancient bathhouse beside the creek. The side of the trail was shored up with moss covered stonework, crumbling from over a century ago. Along one stretch of stone wall there was a pipe with water still flowing into an old concrete basin with “Ney Springs, 1889” etched in fancy cursive writing. We learned that this was one of several mineral springs resorts established in the vicinity in the early 1880’s. Today, all that remains are moss covered stonework, crumbling concrete tubs and basins amid the wooded forest inhabited by brownies, fairies and woods nymphs. At the springs, one gets the distinct feeling that they’ve walked back in time and space, or through a veil into another dimension. (cont.)
Adding to the altered sense of time and space, our guide taught us about the plants and nature spirits. She spoke of fairies communicating with her and described those that she could see. It felt very mysterious with the shimmering light of the solstice sun reflecting off the water onto the rocks and foliage. Like in a midsummer dream, the air was perfectly still and yet we observed an area where the grasses and reeds were swaying. Our fairy Godmother then began to describe the iridescent fairies she saw at play in the swaying grasses, weaving fine plant filaments and laughing gleefully with us and our energies. Though I didn't have the same sensitivity and sight, I could sense the magic of what I could not see.
We wandered further upstream to Fairy Falls which was all so lovely. Along the path there were wildflowers galore; white Shasta Lilies in full bloom wafting such a sweet fragrances one could smell just a few blossoms from 20 feet away; orange Tiger Lilies in patches all around; buttercups and daisies decorated the trail, and more wildflowers than I can name. We picked handfuls of Wild Lilac from a bush, wetted it in water and rubbed the blossoms into frothy suds between our palms. With that, we washed our face and arms as the indigenous peoples do with this plant. Our skin was then soft as a baby’s bottom and smelled fresh as lilac.
By and by, our dimensional awareness shifted, so gradually that we never really noticing the altered state. It wasn't until the excursion was over and we re-entered the "traffic flow" that the next shift suddenly hit. He came to the highway where re-entry felt rather like slamming into an invisible 3D wall.
In a sense I feel that way right now sitting in my office and looking at the computer monitor. For a moment in time we all touched on multifaceted grid via conference-call this past hour, and my cellular structure trembled with excitement and anticipation of what is to come. Now, I find I'm back at my office desk with technical manuals and drawings scattered all around the table and work surfaces. Similar to that Shasta summer some years ago, the vibrational shift from the Mimzy Project connection to my work environment is distinctly noticeable. Re-entry to workspace reality wasn't quite as jarring as it was as Shasta, but nevertheless quite apparent. My body still trembles, as the cells still hold the recent imprint or our connectivity. I'm excited beyond words about the prospects of what we are embarking on, and feel like we are balanced on the threshold of a truly wondrous revelation.
Blessed be~
Guy Ballard tells of the time, when traveling through Weed, California, (a small town at the foot of Mount Shasta), he heard stories of the brotherhood of Mount Shasta. Intrigued, he spent numerous hours hiking on the mountain, hoping to find answers to many mystical questions.
One day he stopped by a stream to get a drink and bent down to fill a cup with water, and in reaching for the water, he was filled with what felt alike a current of electricity flowing from his head to his feet.
He instantly looked around and saw a young man, and he sensed this was no ordinary person. The man smiled and told Mr. Ballard that if he would give him the cup, he would give him a drink.
He goes on to describe how the cup was filled with a creamy liquid, and the Electrical effect mad him gasp with surprise. Eventually it became known that the stranger was the Master Saint Germain. He went on to teach Ballard much regarding higher consciousness... : )
Saint Germain:
“Oh, that people, could understand what tremendous possibilities stand before them by keeping their attention on the “Great God Presence” within their own hearts. Oh, that they might realize what freedom, power and light await their service, dependent only on their recognition and use of the Great Loving Presence Within, breathing through them each moment… Oh, could they only realize that their bodies are the “Temples of the Most High Living God” who is Ruler of Heaven and Earth; they know what it means to love that Mighty Self, talk to it, acknowledge It in all things and feel the Reality of That Presence with at least as great a certainly as they do their persons and things. If they could only feel the closeness and Reality of the Great Presence deeply even for a moment, nothing could ever again stand between them and the same Mighty Supreme accomplishment as Jesus and other Ascended Masters have attained.”
Beloved Children of the light! Let this Great God Presence, It’s Wisdom and Power surge through you now and see how quickly Gods’ Kingdom can and will manifest upon the Earth..”
On the morning of the seventh day, I (G Ballard), left my lodge at 4:00 and reached our meeting place on Shasta at ten-thirty. I sat down on a log to wait with a feeling of wonderful exhilaration, which I knew to be the result of my meditation. I was so deep with the contemplation of my God Self, I did not hear anyone approaching until a voice spoke to me.
I looked up and saw an old man with white hair and a beard, whom I thought at first sight, was an old prospector, although his clothing was too clean for that occupation. As he came up to me and held out his hand that too confirmed my feeling-he was not a laboring man. We exchanged greeting, chatted for a few moments on generalities, then he turned to me and said:
My friend, I would like to tell you a story. It won’t take long. I haven’t told anyone for a long time. I would like to try once more.
By that time, I began to have a feeling of intense interest. It occurred to me he might be thirsty, and as I reached for a cup to get him a drink from the spring by which we stood, a Crystal Cup formed within my hand, like the one Saint Germain had held out to me several times. The old man looked up and with eyes shining and excited, almost shouted: It is He! It is He!
I did not know what to do, so I insisted he drink. As I looked with the cup, I saw it was filled with the same, clear sparkling liquid the Master had given me.
The man grasped it eagerly, and with an intense expression of the deepest gratitude I have ever seen, drank the contents. He immediately became very calm and quiet but with it all a deep, intense sincerity. I asked him again to tell me the story, and he began by saying:
My father was a British officer stationed in the Punjab of India where we made our home. When I was sixteen, he financed a friend who went to South Africa to try his luck in the diamond mines, but my father never heard from him afterward.
The year I was twenty, a tall, handsome stranger, a man of great wisdom, visited my father at our home. He had come to bring a message from fathers’ friend.
I bring you news, he explained, from the friend whom you financed four years ago. He met with great success on that venture, in fact became very wealthy. He has recently passed on at the mines, and left no relatives. His entire fortune has been left to you. In case of your passing, it is to go to your son. If you desire, I will take charge of the matter and have it transferred at once.
I cannot leave India at the present time, my father replied, for I am on government duty here. I appreciate greatly your offer to take care of the matter for me.
I was standing near-by during their conversation, and when they had completed arrangements, the stranger turned to me.
My son, he said, when you find the man who will offer you a Crystal Cup of Sparkling Liquid you will have met the one who can assist you in raising the body. I cannot tell you more than this, except that you will wind him on a great mountain in North America. This may seem vague to you now but it is all I can say.
The stranger left, and a month later my father, who had ridden out to adjust certain government matters with the natives was shot, and passed on before he could be brought home. I was an only son, and after another month, mother and I prepared for our return to England. Just before we left, the same stranger came again and said he was ready to transfer father’s fortune to me. I explained father had been shot.
Yes, the stranger replied, when I left two months ago, I knew your father would pass on before my return. I have arranged for the fortune to be transferred to you, or rather to the Bank of England for you. Here is money you may wish to use on the journey home, also the papers of transfer, and the credentials you will need at the bank. Present them, and you will receiver custody of your wealth. Much of it is in diamonds of the first quality.
I thanked him, and offered to pay for his services but he replied:
Your kind intent is greatly appreciated but that is already adjusted. (cont).
(continued from above)
I will be happy to accompany you to the steamer at Bombay.
The trip revealed to me his Great Wisdom and beside him I felt like an infant. I know now the he enveloped me in a Radiation which has stayed with me throughout the years. He arranged to transportation, accompanied us to the boat, and his last words to me were:
Remember--the Crystal Cup. Seek and you shall find.
After a most wonderful voyage, we arrived at Southampton, went on to London, and presented my credential s to the Bank of England. The official to whom I presented them remarked:
Yes, we were expecting you today. Here are you bank and check books.
I looked at them to see how much my fortune amounted to and was amazed to learn a hundred thousand pounds had been placed to my credit. Five years later, my mother passed on. I transferred one half of my wealth to a bank in New York and began the search for the “the man with the Crystal Cup”.
I can never repeat the disappointments, the trials, and the sorrow I have been through but in the face of everything, somehow I could never give up. The thing which seems to strange to me is, while I have grown old in outer appearance, my energy and strength are as great as ever, sometimes I think greater, than in my fullest youth.
I years, I am seventy. Today, I just wanted to follow this trail, and praise God I have found you. My desire was too great, it was nearly insatiable.
By my good man, I (Ballard) asked, “what am I to do for you?”
You will know, he replied, for I know I have made no mistake. In the heart of this majestic mountain is a Great Power. I feel it. Ask God to show you what to do.
Suddenly, I felt the Mighty god-power surging forth so strong, it almost lifted me from the ground. Making the sign Saint Germain had taught me, I called to God for light and raising my hands in salutation said:
Mighty God in man and the Universe!
We seek thy light! We seek Thy Wisdom! We seek Thy Power!
Let Thy Will be done in and for this, My Brother, who has sought and found me to do for him I know not what.
Thou Knowest! Manifest Thy Will through my mind and body, and let whatever is to be done for this Brother Thy Son come forth.
As my hand came down, it held the Crystal Cup filled with living Liquid Light. I offered it to him, and my Mighty God Self spoke again.
Drink without fear. Thy search is ended.
He drank the contents without a moment’s hesitation. I stepped forward quickly and took both his hands in mine. Slowly and steadily every vestige of age disappeared from him, and the God in me continued:
Behold Thou art forever free from all earthly limitation. Ascend now unto the Great Host of Light Who await Thee.
Very slowly, he began to rise from the ground, and as he did so, his human garments disappeared, and he became clothed in raiment of glistening white. I let go of his hands. Then in a voice of deepest Love, he said: I shall return to thee, Beloved Brother. You shalt thou be repaid for this Transcendent Service. Thou wert the only on through whom this could be done for me. Someday, though shalt see why.
And with a happy smile, he disappeared on a Radiant Pathway of Light.
As the Mighty God-Power Within me receded, I was so astounded, I fell on my knees and offered the deepest prayer of my Life in gratefully humility and praise for the privilege of giving such service.
I rose and the Master Saint Germain received me into his wondrous embrace. My beloved Brother! He said, I am greatly pleased. Noble and faithful was your attendance upon the Great God within you. Beautifully did you receive your Mighty “God in Action”. I do indeed congratulate you. You will ever be held with Our Embrace, even though outwardly you may not always be aware of it.
You have become a worth Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood and the Ascended Host. Hold close to your Mighty God Self. Thus you will ever be ready for service whenever and for whatever is required.
My Love enfolds you until we meet again. I will keep you informed.
the end
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