The Mimzy Project call: February 21st, 2010
On Feb 21, 2010, at 6:23 AM, Dove H wrote:
Most definitely you can share however you like. I too have always been able to wander and travel. Multiple places in nano-second movement. There is no time.
What is really interesting about this is the similarity to the experience an atom has with heat or increasing its speed therefore increasing its energy velosity. When this happens, although it is resonating faster, it remains relative to what is around it, and the perceptional point of the observer which can be in any place for observation. With the different places of observation perception changes for the observer. So what is very entertaining with this worm hole type of experience in moving is how I am able to access an observation point differently from what I can remember before. My velosity has shifted as a result of the increased resonance I (we) are experiencing and the result has me able to see things that I previously may have only seen peripherally. I sense it is like time travel or being on the space station. Those guys are traveling at over 14,000 mph. From their perspective they dont feel as though they are moving very fast and their perspective and position allows them their experience in linear time to be most pleasent and feel more expansive by the nature of the perspective. If however you put them on the ground and had them move at the same rate of speed they are now, it would be a series of flashes. Not the same perspective although nothing has changed but their location to the planet. Now if we adjust the rate of speed on the ground to a slower and to a more relative perspective (say 45 mph on the groud) the experience is now roomy. Although what they see could be argued as the same as from space the details are different in the experience.
What it feels like to me is I've been flying in an airplane very close to the surface of the earth so the flying part has been natural, however I have not been able to see the landscape due to my speed. In the increasing of my speed and changing my perspective, I am now out past the space station moving at increased speeds (with awareness) and experiencing the actual traveling or wandering process too (how I get there) LOL.
What a mouthfull that was. Make sense? I cant wait to meet you on the mountain. Getting ready for spirit house now.
Love, Dove
Monday, February 22, 2010
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Some Resources
Sarah sent these resources out as options for preparation for the trip, whether you are going to Mt Shasta or are serving as a tether: for information regarding the Beings and Energies of Mt. Shasta, and a youtube video she sent out today: that carries, from different venues, much of what is present in the movie Avatar.
Both of these sources are quite useful for preparing ourselves for what is being called and designed. Remember, these beings have asked for this event in response to us!!
Love Deb that carries, from different venues, much of what is present in the movie Avatar.
Both of these sources are quite useful for preparing ourselves for what is being called and designed. Remember, these beings have asked for this event in response to us!!
Love Deb
about Avatar
I found this interesting
For the purposes of this discussion, here are two quotes & links of positive press for Avatar:
Quote 1:
A longtime sci-fi fan who likens himself to the average Comic Con conventioneer, Cameron said "Avatar" is more than just a fantastic tale 14 years in the making.
"The technology could be made (for it) to happen, but also (it) was just wanting to do something, I don't want to say important," he told fans. "But something that has this spoonful of sugar of all the action and the adventure and all that, which thrills me anyway as a fan, but also wanting to do something that has a conscience, that maybe in the enjoying of it makes you think a little bit about the way you interact with nature and your fellow man."
It may seem like a simple story about "nasty" humans fighting with "those beautifully, spiritually evolved Navi," he said. "But it's really not, because we make science fiction as human beings for human consumption."
"It means the Navi represent something that is our higher selves, or our aspirational selves, what we would like to think we are or maybe what we realize we're losing," he said. "And the humans in the film, even though there are some good ones salted in, represent what we know to be the parts of ourselves that are trashing our world and maybe condemning ourselves to a grim future."
Quote 2:
What Does Your Avatar Look Like?
"Many people were effected by the images of Avatar in a way that that hit home like existing spiritual or religious mythology has failed to. Some people are even feeling suicidal as a result of the deep longing that's been awakened by this movie -- and the corresponding fear/belief that they do not live in a world that could facilitate such beauty, such connection. I'm lucky. I'm a left-coast fringe-dwelling neo-new age permie Evolver. I've got Kundalini Yoga, Permaculture Design Courses, and techno-shamanic vibrating floor parties. I live next door to a redwood forest. It's easy for me to shoot my psychic tail braid into the mulchy forest floor and up through the foggy atmosphere, and feel myself connected with all living things. I also started my existential crisis early and have had the privileges of training and community -- for some, it sounds like this movie is the catalyst that may inspire them to seek those out.
Whether you believe we're at the dawn of a new age or simply responsible for cleaning up a big mess, the questions are equally relevant: what are you afraid of, and how is that fear limiting you? What does your Avatar look like?"
For the purposes of this discussion, here are two quotes & links of positive press for Avatar:
Quote 1:
A longtime sci-fi fan who likens himself to the average Comic Con conventioneer, Cameron said "Avatar" is more than just a fantastic tale 14 years in the making.
"The technology could be made (for it) to happen, but also (it) was just wanting to do something, I don't want to say important," he told fans. "But something that has this spoonful of sugar of all the action and the adventure and all that, which thrills me anyway as a fan, but also wanting to do something that has a conscience, that maybe in the enjoying of it makes you think a little bit about the way you interact with nature and your fellow man."
It may seem like a simple story about "nasty" humans fighting with "those beautifully, spiritually evolved Navi," he said. "But it's really not, because we make science fiction as human beings for human consumption."
"It means the Navi represent something that is our higher selves, or our aspirational selves, what we would like to think we are or maybe what we realize we're losing," he said. "And the humans in the film, even though there are some good ones salted in, represent what we know to be the parts of ourselves that are trashing our world and maybe condemning ourselves to a grim future."
Quote 2:
What Does Your Avatar Look Like?
"Many people were effected by the images of Avatar in a way that that hit home like existing spiritual or religious mythology has failed to. Some people are even feeling suicidal as a result of the deep longing that's been awakened by this movie -- and the corresponding fear/belief that they do not live in a world that could facilitate such beauty, such connection. I'm lucky. I'm a left-coast fringe-dwelling neo-new age permie Evolver. I've got Kundalini Yoga, Permaculture Design Courses, and techno-shamanic vibrating floor parties. I live next door to a redwood forest. It's easy for me to shoot my psychic tail braid into the mulchy forest floor and up through the foggy atmosphere, and feel myself connected with all living things. I also started my existential crisis early and have had the privileges of training and community -- for some, it sounds like this movie is the catalyst that may inspire them to seek those out.
Whether you believe we're at the dawn of a new age or simply responsible for cleaning up a big mess, the questions are equally relevant: what are you afraid of, and how is that fear limiting you? What does your Avatar look like?"
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Sharing the wisdoms
Here are shares that I am recording for all of us to consider or connect to. This is a comment from my friend Debbie H. who just saw Avatar. Mt Shasta is considered a home of the giants.
I know you had a telecall about this movie awhile back, but did not see Avatar until last weekend. Now I know why. I have been rereading "Ancient Secrets of the Flower of Life" by Drunvalo Melchizidek and it was so powerful to re-remember the wisdom and then see the movie. The Navi race of beings are a depiction of the future of humanity. We as humans are in the second level of human consciousness evolution, the first being the Aborigines. The first level species is smaller with a fewer number of chromosomes, then the second level is an interim level, not fully complete or whole, kinda like a black key on the musical scale, but the third level of consciousness is typically 11-16 ft tall, telepathic and able to create with thoughts. The fourth level is 55 ft tall, like the Hathor statues in Egypt. Another proof is that the Egyptians via Atlanteans knew how to access higher dimensions through rituals in the sarcophagus in the pyramid; so how did the scientists synch with their Avatars? Those pods look like sarcophagus' to me!!! Also, in Hank Westerman's books, he connects with his future self where he is much taller and living in a primal society. So I don't know if that came up in your discussions, but I just had to share. The other thing I realized is that the "divine blueprint" that I keep hearing about, well, I think it means the DNA pattern is the flower of life, not the double helix. And it seems to me that if the full flower of life was the dna structure, then the physical body would have to be at least 55 ft tall to integrate it all in. be well. love, deb
I know you had a telecall about this movie awhile back, but did not see Avatar until last weekend. Now I know why. I have been rereading "Ancient Secrets of the Flower of Life" by Drunvalo Melchizidek and it was so powerful to re-remember the wisdom and then see the movie. The Navi race of beings are a depiction of the future of humanity. We as humans are in the second level of human consciousness evolution, the first being the Aborigines. The first level species is smaller with a fewer number of chromosomes, then the second level is an interim level, not fully complete or whole, kinda like a black key on the musical scale, but the third level of consciousness is typically 11-16 ft tall, telepathic and able to create with thoughts. The fourth level is 55 ft tall, like the Hathor statues in Egypt. Another proof is that the Egyptians via Atlanteans knew how to access higher dimensions through rituals in the sarcophagus in the pyramid; so how did the scientists synch with their Avatars? Those pods look like sarcophagus' to me!!! Also, in Hank Westerman's books, he connects with his future self where he is much taller and living in a primal society. So I don't know if that came up in your discussions, but I just had to share. The other thing I realized is that the "divine blueprint" that I keep hearing about, well, I think it means the DNA pattern is the flower of life, not the double helix. And it seems to me that if the full flower of life was the dna structure, then the physical body would have to be at least 55 ft tall to integrate it all in. be well. love, deb
February 8th update!
Hello everyone! I am connecting this to facebook and making sure you all have this post through constant contact email also. Maybe if we have lots of ways to get the information it will go better!
I apologize for my part of the call last night. Since I could connect to the people who have verizon, I assumed I could connect with the conference call number. Obviously not the case! I seem to be able to do email and verizon here but nothing else.
Please develop your own unique relationship to the energy of the universe and your part in it. That is yours to contemplate until we meet again
Make sure all your plans are made and you are ready to go to work in our next call.
Our next call is February 22nd! It will be all about acclimating to our work together SO DO NOT MISS IT!
1-218-936-4700 999326# 5pm pst, 6pm mt, 7pm crt, 8pm est.
Margaret suggested on the facebook Mimzy Project page that everyone listen to the 4 part CD set. WOW! Blew my mind! Why didn't I think of that? Everything is in those cds to prepare you for this event! I will put a link on th
The link to what to bring is
Please add to that a soup thermos and/or a drink thermos. Please let us know if you are someone who cannot do without coffee. Less caffeine the better but I don't want people in withdrawal!
Boots Walton email: Boots Walton
Okay! I am sending this everyway I can for people who are not computer literate!
Love you all! Use February well!
I apologize for my part of the call last night. Since I could connect to the people who have verizon, I assumed I could connect with the conference call number. Obviously not the case! I seem to be able to do email and verizon here but nothing else.
Please develop your own unique relationship to the energy of the universe and your part in it. That is yours to contemplate until we meet again
Make sure all your plans are made and you are ready to go to work in our next call.
Our next call is February 22nd! It will be all about acclimating to our work together SO DO NOT MISS IT!
1-218-936-4700 999326# 5pm pst, 6pm mt, 7pm crt, 8pm est.
Margaret suggested on the facebook Mimzy Project page that everyone listen to the 4 part CD set. WOW! Blew my mind! Why didn't I think of that? Everything is in those cds to prepare you for this event! I will put a link on th
The link to what to bring is
Please add to that a soup thermos and/or a drink thermos. Please let us know if you are someone who cannot do without coffee. Less caffeine the better but I don't want people in withdrawal!
Boots Walton email: Boots Walton
Okay! I am sending this everyway I can for people who are not computer literate!
Love you all! Use February well!
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
In 1985, I had a very long vision. My husband at that time and my children fell asleep for 3 hours while I walked awake in a vision. The vision is long and I will share more of it on the call. At the end of the vision, a group of people were standing in a cave infused in Light, shielded in light while the Light burst upon the world and people whose systems were too traumatized, too separated from their capacity to transmute into the higher frequency separated from those of us in this light grid. As we came out, Moses walked toward me. (I have a Moses affinity) He took me to a ship which I now know was a Merkaba shaped ship. I walked into the ship and Jesus was there with his back to me.
I screamed at him, "How could you do that to your people?" He turned around and I fell to my knees in the face of his all consuming grief extending into my bones, my heart, my soul never to be forgotten. He wept. "I tried so to remove the violence from your cells, but so few of you could survive."
Now I stand in an office in Portland, Oregan listening to a conversation with Dr. Malcolm Smith about holograms. About what if we simply moved out beyond the limited conditioned hologram of separation and created holograms of unity (my words). Maybe that is ascension. Maybe that is what it means to leave Earth and move to Heaven. Maybe that is why we are gathering around the mountain to create a holodeck for the people when the moment of choice comes.
Hence my 'dream' this morning. "Halt Thou. Do not plant Thy Feet in both worlds. A Decision has been made".
I love you....Tantra
I want to thank Dr. Malcolm Smith for his clarity and beautiful wisdom on behalf of a trauma-free, unity-based worlds. Thank you for taking such good care of my people. When I was in first grade the teacher asked us who we wanted to be when we grew up. I must have looked very perplexed. She said, "Diane (that was my first name) what's wrong?" I said, "Why do we have to wait until we grow up when we are who we are now." She laughed somewhat derisively and asked, "So what are you?' I said, "I am a Guardian of the Universe and I came to take care of its people." That was my first visit to the psychologist after she called and told my parents I was delusional.
I want to thank Dr. Kate Smith for the amazing affinity of heart that I feel in your presence and extraordinary capacity for me to heal deep wounds of birth in your hands. I appreciate that I and others who I send to you are treated in their amazing rareness for that they made it to here is sometimes a miracle indeed. I love you are treating both my husband and I so we can celebrate our release from past traumas together. You are beautiful to me oh my love.
I also want to thank Dr. Natasha. I did not realize who you were when you walked past me at the office. I regret I did not stop to greet you. Thank you for taking care of my precious Sapphire, the rarest gem of us all. She is one of the METAyouth of our planet now. We must know how to care for them so they can bring the new worlds to us. Next time, I will seek you out.
Then Beloved Vicki, where would they be without you! You are an angel with an angel prescence with such natural unintrusive ways, the job is healing is on its way long before we go upstairs to our appointments. Thank you for your grace.
What must we be up to?
Trinfinity Machine
Lifeprint Homeopathy
Facebook: The Mimzy Project
Please remember we have a call February 8th!
Please Call Dial-in Number: 1-218-936-4700 (Midwest)
(The Participant Access Code is: 999326.)
February 2nd, 2010
Noticed only 6 people are following the Mimzy Blog. Not a good idea as we get closer to our destination. Facebook has lots of great info on it.
February 2nd, 2010
Noticed only 6 people are following the Mimzy Blog. Not a good idea as we get closer to our destination. Facebook has lots of great info on it.
February 2nd, 2010
Noticed only 6 people are following the Mimzy Blog. Not a good idea as we get closer to our destination. Facebook has lots of great info on it.
February 2nd, 2010
Noticed only 6 people are following the Mimzy Blog. Not a good idea as we get closer to our destination. Facebook has lots of great info on it.
February 2nd, 2010
Noticed only 6 people are following the Mimzy Blog. Not a good idea as we get closer to our destination. Facebook has lots of great info on it.
February 2nd, 2010
Noticed only 6 people are following the Mimzy Blog. Not a good idea as we get closer to our destination. Facebook has lots of great info on it.
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- Saturate Your Cells!
- METApoints offers private consultations, teleclasses, and telecalls shifting your world, your sense of self, and your way of thinking from separation to unity. You are welcome to take individual classes or develop yourself through a Metapoints curriculum.