Y-H-W-H “The Yod He Vod/Wod He Letters of Divine Experience representing all the combinations of the Four Letters which reveal the essence of God. The twelve permeations: are YHWH, YHHW, YWHH, HWHY, HYHW, HHYW, HHWY, HYWH, HWYH, WHHY, WHYH, WYHH
The Tetragrammaton revealing the inner essence and Offices of the Divine Eternal Father as He assigns His Glory to the 24-dimensions. The Names also operate as the Codes for physical creation programming the DNA-RNA according to the 64 triplet code of the Flame Letters. In this sense, the tetragrammaton is the vehicle for the programming power of the higher mind, the crown of light that governs the body, the body blueprints and permits the ascending and descending orders of Light’s creation to enter into the dimension of the Adamic race. It is the key to all sacred names and the code that sends Michael, Metatron, and Melchezidek as revealing and governing Lords of the Holy Names to the experiential worlds.
Visualize the power of this name(s) as your body soars in a transparent envelope above the thunderous mountains and canyons, as you call upon the four sacred letters. Find yourself standing before the throne, through divine grace, and witness the effulgence of the tetragrammaton creating the treasury of thought forms and the pillars of the trees of life- the higher sephirothic trees. And you behold the glory of the throne with the council room of the 24 elders who are authoring the new scrolls of life. And then your eyes see the ancient of days, and where the thought forms of “His membrane were called and redispatched. He called into himself those living pictures that are fitted to his membrane in love and energy. (key 307)” …..And now he is calling forth all the Adam Kadmons to participate in the creation of new worlds.
Y-H-W-H, Let Your Name shine upon the righteous and the pious ones, upon the elders and the women of Thy people. Let your letters be placed upon the Crown, the third eye, the throat, the heart so that a Divine energy coupling takes place as we become the Adam Kadmons raised and quickened from the
Friday, April 9, 2010
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