Maureen and Sarah with Sophia's support went to Sutter Butte's. I have held Sutter Butte's as sacred since the first day I saw them. I was so enriched by what Maureen wrote in writing class, I asked her to send it to me so I could post it here. Beautiful!
Sutter Butte hike, April 26, 2010
The grass is swirling, a powerful energy surrounds us. We are in the eye of the vortex, the swirling grass is the outward sign of the spiraling energy. I proclaim “We claim this mountain for the domain of love.” A bold audacious statement, rightly uttered.
We have come to this place in response to Cindy’s invitation, Sophia’s prompting, and the instructions received in last week’s writing class. Sarah has wisely brought a crystal; I have unconsciously brought water from the Headwaters of the Sacramento River in my water bottle. The beloved entities have made it easy for us to find this place. A long thin cloud has pointed to the spot like a slanting finger in the sky. We ask Kathy and Jan, our guides, to leave the path and lead the group up the hill. We angle northward toward and slightly north-east of the sacred North Butte, home of ancient spirits. Reaching a lunch spot, Sarah and I leave the others, moving uphill and to our right. I’m climbing strongly, breathing hard. I’m excited and magnetized toward the place. It’s drawing me to it with its magnificent energy and power. As I climb nearer, the energy suddenly opens much more strongly in me. I feel Sophia’s presence. I’m weeping with joy and with the knowledge that all is unfolding as intended.
Now Sarah has reached the place where I felt the energy intensifying. She says, “Sophia is here.” I’m happy for this validation that Sarah and I are sharing the same experience. I reach the energy center and tell Sarah, “This is it.”
We’re together in the swirling energy. I immediately send my energy strongly into the vortex and down into the grid. I connect energy through the grid to the glorious Mother mountain – Mt. Shasta herself. Sarah hands me the crystal. I send my essence into it and return it to her. She finds the place it belongs and buries it there.
In a voice of exaltation I declare “We claim this mountain for the domain of love.” Sarah says a yogic prayer. I pray the words from last week’s writing. I think I mix the words up a bit, but it doesn’t matter. The mountain and the beings know. This is the prayer:
Love, love, radiant love
shine, shine through me.
Guide me through the dream of life.
Return me home.
Om shanti amen.
Sarah prays shanti, shanti, shanti. It is done. I am overflowing with radiant energy and happiness.
Then I see Simone. She is taking our picture. I had no idea that someone else is nearby. “Simone,” I say. “Come here.” She walks up to us and I ask her to stand in the exact place I had been standing. I move aside a foot or two, and I’m surprised to find the energy is lessened somewhat even that small distance away. The energy is still swirling, as are the grasses. Simone is palpably drinking in the energy. She’s like a thirsty person on a hot day drinking a cool glass of lemonade. “Oh,” she says, “I needed that.” She has a walking staff from Kauai, decorated with Hawaiian words and signs. This she twists into the ground, connecting the energy of the Love Islands with this vortex. I take my Headwaters water and pour it onto our hands and onto the ground. We are guided to find and take nearby rocks. I take one for myself and one for Sophia. Sarah takes one for herself and one for Tantra. Later Kathy tells me that mine are rhyolite, a lighter volcanic rock that rises to the surface. As Kathy is telling me this, my husband finds an obsidian rock in the middle of the wide dirt road. Kathy tells him that it’s rare to find obsidian on the Sutter Buttes, and that the rock is for him to take. He questions if someone maybe brought it there and dropped it on the road. Otherwise, wouldn’t someone else have found it before now? I reassure him that the beings want him to have it, that’s why he found it.
Later in the car, I tell him that I find myself in the same predicament. I need to acknowledge and validate my own power and authority. That this is what my life is now, that I need to replace my old picture of myself with this expanded one. After all, there’s no going back, so I just need to get over it.
The hike back to the car is glorious. The trees are shining with an ineffable light. The mother cows are heavy with milk, with suckling babies by their side. The joy and beauty of nature is arrayed in delightful symmetry all around us. We leave for the “real world” with grateful hearts.
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Follow Up Mimzy Call April 19th, 2010 MP3
This was a brilliant call. We're looking forward to seeing what people create from here.
Follow Up Mimzy Call April 19th 2010
Follow Up Mimzy Call April 19th 2010
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Beautiful Writing from Maureen Shephard in our Writing Class 04.22.2010
This is the writing from today:
April 22, 2010
Ve Skerries (off the coast of Shetland). You were there. There is a grid there and we wanted you to be there as a bolstering. We knew you could do this because of other times when we were able to use you as a lightning rod for placing energy into the grid – at the Raven’s Canyon, at Codfish Falls, and at Shasta. Your past life as a Viking was helpful but not necessary. We can use you anywhere on the earth.
You are a being, a citizen, of the earth. We work through earth beings who align in loving cooperation with us. This is rightful – we do not interfere in the affairs of mankind. Mankind has free choice and free will. Only when enough earth beings want and accept our healing can we work through you. So even though you are the instrument, know that you are also a representative of all those on your planet who want this earth healing to happen. That is why you had the two experiences – one at Bird Heaven and the other in the pyramid. Also you experienced this in the gazebo where the red source water and the white source water flow together. In each of those moments you felt as though millions of people of good heart, who are yearning for healing for the planet, were gathered closely around you. You felt that they were attached tightly to you as if with Velcro. This was a true experience – you are connected with them and you have their support for what you are doing. Just as in your government, people vote for their representative. They have voted for you to represent them. This gives us the consent we need to act through you.
So Ve Skerries is a bolstering, and yes, it is related to the volcano and the shifting in that area. Tantra will be pleased to know that the bolstering is helping protect her beloved Ireland as well as Scotland and Norway. These shifts must happen, the energy must be released. We are working with you to mitigate damage that isn’t essential to the upliftment of your planet. One result of your group’s work in the pyramid was a stabilizing of the Cascade Range and a deflection of energy to an area of lesser harm – the energy was reflected to a less inhabited area in Baja California.
Next Tuesday, you will be given an opportunity to do some more clearing in the Sutter Buttes. Your companion Naja the cobra will help you there. Just as the magnificent conifer tree helped you at the Headwaters.
Last night in your sleep, you met again with your companions at the Headwaters. This meeting was for renewal and remembrance. It is a touchstone that you can return to that energizes yourself and your connection to the others of the Mimzy group. Takara is correct. It is vital that the connection be renewed and expanded. A leader is needed to hold and nurture this part of your on-going project. There is a space there now; someone will find that it is there for them to do and that space will be fulfilled. For the moment, just put light in that space, that will be sufficient for now. A person among you will be magnetically drawn into that light.
Crater Lake – the Watchtower. We will watch from that point together. We will see from there with your eyes and you will see from there with our eyes. You will see what we see. Such beauty. Your companions from the nature kingdom will accompany you. You will see love and balance in action. Crater Lake and Jolly Point (the point near McCloud) are two points of a triangle. We will help you locate the third point. There are points in Lassen Park and the Tetons, but this is another point that will unfold itself. We can’t reveal everything today – things need to evolve in their own sequence and timing. You will recognize it at the right time and it will be a learning and growing opportunity for you.
Sophia has questioned if the lava tubes at Shasta are connected with lava tubes at the Sutter Buttes. These chambers are connected with intent. You won’t discover the connection by looking in the 3rd dimensional world. They are connected energetically because the mountains themselves have chosen the connection. When you are on the Buttes, your energy will be informed by the energy from Shasta that is within you. The Buttes will recognize this energy within you and will receive you as a friend. Walk on the Buttes with awareness and an assignment will be presented to you. Later when you see the Buttes from your window, you will remember the day you spent there and will experience a feeling of gladness, connectedness and love.
Love, love, radiant love
shine, shine through me.
Guide me always through the dream of life.
Return me home.
Om shanti amen.
Takara (Barbara Truskalo) Shared Her Download from Sarah's Share
I received some information before I went to bed last night.
It is:
"We begin the evening with a very high request. It is our interest to involve you more fully with grace in the awareness of what the value of you is currently.
Imagine an engine which runs by power of crystal magnification. You understand fully the archaic concept of the auto, gasoline/fuel engine. We speak of crystalline power - the ability of crystal to conduct energy. You have known of several initiations which have involved the solidification of crystal formation within the being of you.
This crystal formation is unique in each one of you and exquisitely crafted by star beings who specialize in such creation. They are working diligently to master the mass upliftment of humanity of earth. There are those of you who have willingly agreed to participate most fully in this specialized endeavor. You are one of these.
It is fully clear that the magnification of energy light power through the vehicle of the human energy field through this means, has never been diverted as light source energy magnified for all, prior to this fulfillment. It is our interest to educate you regarding the best ways to facilitate the progression of this process for which you whole heartedly agreed to participate.
First it's utmost that you dissolve any and all disruptive, non-light energy being run through the mind, body or emotions as quickly as it appears. It is also ideal for the body to have somewhat vigorous, regular movement. Utilize specialized breathing as you have learned (pranayama, etc). Rest and nourish the body with JOY (this was emphasized). You've been directed that listening for what's important is an ideal pass-time. (Tantra told me that we are listening for what's important....which is different than what we have known prior) Forgo all destructive thinking and activities. Reach for the stars in energetic heights - refine your vibration even more. Light Light Light!!"
I also awoke this morning having had several dreams/insights come to me about unity in the night...about us working together going forward. I saw a brick 'tower' made by laying one brick directly on top of one another going straight up. It was teetering and unstable. Then the brick wall was shown in it's sturdiness in the shape of a triangle...each brick overlapping the space between the layer below....fortifying.....strong.....each brick looks the same but physically it's own...adding to the whole.... a brick wall of harmony. (Tantra also said that we won't be doing anything in solidarity. We will be doing things together. ) This is probably why we are sitting in our individuation wondering what's in store for us....what our purpose is....... Maybe it's time to co-create and build a solid brick wall of light and love, cooperation where each is delightedly welcomed as themselves, and contributes uniquely to the greatest whole........
I'm most grateful to be in co-creation with all of you, and each of you.
Loving you dearly,
It is:
"We begin the evening with a very high request. It is our interest to involve you more fully with grace in the awareness of what the value of you is currently.
Imagine an engine which runs by power of crystal magnification. You understand fully the archaic concept of the auto, gasoline/fuel engine. We speak of crystalline power - the ability of crystal to conduct energy. You have known of several initiations which have involved the solidification of crystal formation within the being of you.
This crystal formation is unique in each one of you and exquisitely crafted by star beings who specialize in such creation. They are working diligently to master the mass upliftment of humanity of earth. There are those of you who have willingly agreed to participate most fully in this specialized endeavor. You are one of these.
It is fully clear that the magnification of energy light power through the vehicle of the human energy field through this means, has never been diverted as light source energy magnified for all, prior to this fulfillment. It is our interest to educate you regarding the best ways to facilitate the progression of this process for which you whole heartedly agreed to participate.
First it's utmost that you dissolve any and all disruptive, non-light energy being run through the mind, body or emotions as quickly as it appears. It is also ideal for the body to have somewhat vigorous, regular movement. Utilize specialized breathing as you have learned (pranayama, etc). Rest and nourish the body with JOY (this was emphasized). You've been directed that listening for what's important is an ideal pass-time. (Tantra told me that we are listening for what's important....which is different than what we have known prior) Forgo all destructive thinking and activities. Reach for the stars in energetic heights - refine your vibration even more. Light Light Light!!"
I also awoke this morning having had several dreams/insights come to me about unity in the night...about us working together going forward. I saw a brick 'tower' made by laying one brick directly on top of one another going straight up. It was teetering and unstable. Then the brick wall was shown in it's sturdiness in the shape of a triangle...each brick overlapping the space between the layer below....fortifying.....strong.....each brick looks the same but physically it's own...adding to the whole.... a brick wall of harmony. (Tantra also said that we won't be doing anything in solidarity. We will be doing things together. ) This is probably why we are sitting in our individuation wondering what's in store for us....what our purpose is....... Maybe it's time to co-create and build a solid brick wall of light and love, cooperation where each is delightedly welcomed as themselves, and contributes uniquely to the greatest whole........
I'm most grateful to be in co-creation with all of you, and each of you.
Loving you dearly,
Sarah Sharing Writing Regarding Our Bodies: Eckhart Tolle
PART l & PART ll of Body Changes via Eckhart Tolle
Sun Dec 28, 2008 8:05 am (PST)
New aches and pains will appear in various places in the body and then these will disappear. Headaches and sudden shooting pains in the head or eyes may occur and these may be signs that adjustments are being made in your energies. These adjustments will be attuning you to different frequencies during cellular transformation. The parts of your brain that have been dormant in the past are now being used. This may require some rewiring of brain circuitry while brain patterns that are no longer functional will be rerouted. As you develop a higher way of thinking and being, you will experience more creative energies and will create deeper levels of meditation. See also CHANGES IN BODY SHAPE as well as ENERGY FLOW in the BODY.
As transformation occurs, there may be periods when you feel more anxious and irritable than usual. You may also feel restless, headachy, less able to concentrate. You may will have an increased sensitivity to people, sounds, smells and environments. You may experience muscle soreness particularly in the low back, joint pains or poor digestion. When these glands are excessively simulated, your body is constantly in a hyper state of fight-or-flight and the body expends resources at tremendous rates of speed.
The mutation process that you are presently undergoing has been initiated within the molecular structure of the brain. The progressive cycles of change are introduced to the rest of the body systems primarily through the cerebral-spinal fluid and from there throughout the nervous system generally. This accounts for the pervasive sensations of disturbances within the head, eyes, spine and nerves. It has resulted in dizziness, headaches, and pressure in the head, usually experienced from back to front, at other times, from side to side. It also accounts for considerable nervous disruption, sleeplessness and irregular energy surges and drops. Digestion may become erratic and peculiar pains may come and go without warning in different parts of the body.
The tissue of our bodies is made up of cells. The cells are made up of molecules and this goes on and on until the subatomic level is reached. At the subatomic level, the templates or blueprints are formed for our bodies. The probabilities of what we can do are created at the subatomic level. There are changes being made at this level as the Earth Changes occur and as the axis shift occurs on the planet. These changes are due to occur very soon. During this period of an axis shift, past types of behavior and past ways of arranging matter will not be available.
At our material level, these changes will appear to be a rearrangement of matter. From a spiritual level however, these changes relate to the growth of planetary awareness. When these changes happen, the forms of life on the planet will change. The very structure of every cell in our bodies is changing. The changes in your body will occur in the body cells as these cells undergo a gentle infusion of new electromagnetic impulses. The structure of energy exchange and energy transfer is being slowly re- wired in the cells, during cellular transformation. This could be the cause of periods of exhaustion as your body goes through radical remodeling and rebuilding. When this change are observed, RELAX and move with the changes taking place in your body. After all, you have nothing else to do.
You need to spend time in meditation, reading, etc. to relax until the time comes that the changes will eventually stop.
We are building new information into the cells of the body and yet it has been said that these changes are taking place naturally. Some have asked whether this suggests that we can reprogram our own DNA or is this all being done automatically and we don't get involved in it. The answer is it's a little bit of both. The cells have been coded for this time in history, prior to the time of human birth. Many people are finding that they are drawn to a certain place or to a certain person. They are finding that being in that environment, whether with that person or in that physical place, is creating a type of trigger, a trigger in the cellular memory. So in this respect, it is happening automatically. We are following our impulses. We are following our natural motion in life to where the body is leading us and who the body is leading us to.
This is creating the firing or triggering of new information. There is a type of overlapping and a blending of many processes taking place as these triggers are activated. Then the new information is activated. This is taking place on a multitude of levels within the body. The more we are in alignment with our body wisdom, the more there is a movement consciously towards that which will trigger that cellular memory and activate the transformation within the DNA. So indeed, you are taking part, it is not to sit back and get onto automatic pilot and everything will happen. To some degree that is so, but also it is the more you are in alignment with these changes consciously, the more you will be the captain of your ship, directing and orchestrating a co-creator of these changes within yourself and within the masses. There are many parts to transformation, it is neither that you are on one side of the fence or another.
What this means in biochemical terms is quite mind blowing. A fundamental renovation is occurring in your house (the body) while you are living in it. Using the analogy of remodeling your home, the workmen strip off the old roof, tear up the old floor, disconnect your old plumbing and turn off your electricity to re-wire the home. This all occurs while you are trying to live there. In the same manner, as your body is undergoing the same "remodeling" you are trying to keep ahead of the changes and you will feel extremely disoriented and inconvenienced as they occur. The changes in your body-house are occurring because your DNA is being restructured.
Your DNA contains within it an old understanding about what it is to be here that is deeply focused in individuality. The DNA has the individualized expression of divinity, the individual I Am, and it has the wholeness. Now you can conceive of both, but can you yet conceive of what it would be like to be keenly aware of yourself as an individual and at the same time know that you are wholeness? That is what you are working on achieving at this time, whether you realize it or not. The potentiality within the DNA is capable of reformatting to allow for these changes.
Universal law provides that the physical form for Divine life expression of a species may be altered or reformatted only by those who dwell therein. This means that the DNA of a species of Earth can only be altered through the creative choice of the consciousness that dwells within the body form. What this means for you is that the human DNA that is responsible for every aspect of your physical presence cannot be altered by other beings, nor can it be changed by you from outside of the physical plane. How do you change your own DNA? To change your DNA and to change your structure you need to change your emotions. You also need to change your thoughts because to do these two things means to change your biochemistry and your brain chemistry. It means headaches and nausea sometimes.
As these changes occur, you will experience dizziness, feelings of spinning and loss of emotional centering. During cellular transformation, your body is a constant flow of discarded proteins and structures. Your cerebrospinal fluid is being filled with discarded mineral deposits. You are literally sloughing off your body and you are rebuilding it. The changes will be very intense and will be very challenging to you during the sloughing off process. You are genetic engineers of the new world species. If you agree with this and you are willing, you must rearrange and rebuild your own DNA. You live in your body and you will change it while you're living in it. Some people have already begun to do this.
"The modalities of awakened doing are acceptance, enjoyment, and enthusiasm. Each one represents a certain vibrational frequency of consciousness. You need to be vigilant to make sure that one of them operates whenever you are engaged in doing anything at all - from the most simple task to the most complex."
~ Eckhart Tolle
Sunday, April 18, 2010
The Mimzy Experience
I look forward to the compilation of all of our experiences. I want you to know a few things. I, first want you to know I am very sane and when I hear, I really do. I am able to move past my point of view, my beliefs, and my shock sometimes at what there is to be present to, to be with what there is. That is how I got to California. Ten years ago, after many years of knowing, I knew it was time to find where I was to live when the weather changes started. Now I am here and here is where I am to be.
Since the Mimzy Experience, the connection to the Earth is way past anything that I have ever experienced before. The state of being that I am experiencing is as if a long awaited day has arrived and everything is as it should if I have been preparing for this and have been prepared for this for a very long time.
I have always had a voice that comes to me without warning and is very certain and very clear. This time when Glenn and I were eating salted pretzels :), the voices came suddenly and said, "It is happening now."
I will leave it there for a minute.
The other thing that has been happening is that ever since the Beings introduced the language of shape, vortexes, and grids into our systems to help guide us, I have been looking at crop circles in an entirely different way. I have been watching all the YouTube videos on cropcirlces now letting them teach me language. I have put words aside and simple let my neural cortex take in the optic language and I can fell it charging my brain synapses with information that will be handy in the days to come.
I also have been walking up to 3 hours. It seems necessary. Somewhere in the walking in nature and being in the air and where I live, I can suddenly sit and get a download that I can listen to that is only energy. I know this is the past looming up before me showing me why I have been so driven to have people listen and think in resonant fields. The energy of those fields is giving us our survival capability for our futures. Of this I am now sure.
I am posting one of the You Tube croup circle videos that speaks about the crop circles scientifically. When you read it, you might see the relevance to what we are doing in the work of METApoints. You might begin to realize that our futures extend way beyond whether we have enough money in our pockets, whether we have jobs, etc and also includes all of that. I do not know what it will take for human beings to realize that we need our higher minds to even know what to do with our day now.
Here is the cropcircle video I mentioned
Now to what I said before. This is new information. "It is happening now." Here is what I know. I know there is a reason I am bonded to the weather. That bond is active right now. I know there is a reason my son did not make his plane to Europe so he would be here. Inside all of this and walking and listening and opening up my mind through viewing the crop circles, walking in natures, and when I feel compelled to sit still and listen, I listen because I know something is being heard that will be translated later into information, directions, and comprehension.
That is all for today. I have one extreme thought. I used to make sure that the kids had a place we would all meet if cell towers went down or if there was a national emergency that was irrevocably.
While I do not think that that will happen, I do know that we need to listen to our thoughts without fear. There is change coming and that change will effect the life of every person on this planet. There is more. But not for now.
Since the Mimzy Experience, the connection to the Earth is way past anything that I have ever experienced before. The state of being that I am experiencing is as if a long awaited day has arrived and everything is as it should if I have been preparing for this and have been prepared for this for a very long time.
I have always had a voice that comes to me without warning and is very certain and very clear. This time when Glenn and I were eating salted pretzels :), the voices came suddenly and said, "It is happening now."
I will leave it there for a minute.
The other thing that has been happening is that ever since the Beings introduced the language of shape, vortexes, and grids into our systems to help guide us, I have been looking at crop circles in an entirely different way. I have been watching all the YouTube videos on cropcirlces now letting them teach me language. I have put words aside and simple let my neural cortex take in the optic language and I can fell it charging my brain synapses with information that will be handy in the days to come.
I also have been walking up to 3 hours. It seems necessary. Somewhere in the walking in nature and being in the air and where I live, I can suddenly sit and get a download that I can listen to that is only energy. I know this is the past looming up before me showing me why I have been so driven to have people listen and think in resonant fields. The energy of those fields is giving us our survival capability for our futures. Of this I am now sure.
I am posting one of the You Tube croup circle videos that speaks about the crop circles scientifically. When you read it, you might see the relevance to what we are doing in the work of METApoints. You might begin to realize that our futures extend way beyond whether we have enough money in our pockets, whether we have jobs, etc and also includes all of that. I do not know what it will take for human beings to realize that we need our higher minds to even know what to do with our day now.
Here is the cropcircle video I mentioned
Now to what I said before. This is new information. "It is happening now." Here is what I know. I know there is a reason I am bonded to the weather. That bond is active right now. I know there is a reason my son did not make his plane to Europe so he would be here. Inside all of this and walking and listening and opening up my mind through viewing the crop circles, walking in natures, and when I feel compelled to sit still and listen, I listen because I know something is being heard that will be translated later into information, directions, and comprehension.
That is all for today. I have one extreme thought. I used to make sure that the kids had a place we would all meet if cell towers went down or if there was a national emergency that was irrevocably.
While I do not think that that will happen, I do know that we need to listen to our thoughts without fear. There is change coming and that change will effect the life of every person on this planet. There is more. But not for now.
Friday, April 16, 2010
Deb's Mimzy Dream
Consult, the Crystals, & Hummingbird Mimzy Dream of April 13, 2010
There were 2 levels to becoming aware of this dream. First, as has become usual, I don’t think I’m starting to dream, but I feel myself enter/merge with a world already in progress. This second layer is the new one (to me): the me of the dream seemed to be checking things out or “coordinating” with the sleeping me.
As I entered the dream/merged into that world, the me of the dream was trying to set up for a consultation. My client was a woman we knew back in the Washington DC area: Layne. I couldn’t seem to get the room set up. I was trying to position large, upright clear crystals. I am not sure they were quartz, but had that kind of shape. I couldn’t get something right; whether it was spacing, crystals in relation to the light, or just what. I felt frantic. Layne was getting impatient. As soon as I got the crystals arranged in a way I thought was correct, the light changed or something and I’d have to rearrange the crystals. I was also trying to prepare food for the session, a certain kind of shake. Only I could not seem to get the ingredients correct. I could not seem to get enough light into the shake, and as soon as I thought it was right, something would change and the shake was not right anymore so I could not serve it to Layne for the session. I kept moving frenetically around the room, between that room and the kitchen (which was magical). I couldn’t seem to find anyone to ask for help, even though I faintly felt Tantra but could not seem to reach her. In the room I was trying to set up for the session, first I could feel a being watching in the corner, then I could see ‘him’. He was watching everything, and I could sense/hear input from him. Something about Layne and her reactions, he impressed on me, represented the old world, an old me. He also imparted that I am weak in asking for help, but that was actually too small an interpretation. He actually meant I was insufficiently connected to all that is around me, that many of my interconnections were weak. This was not a criticism, but a kind observation, in that the observation itself changed and strengthened me. I then knew that the consultation with Layne was not real, was incorrect. It all disappeared.
Then the dream shifted to some images that I couldn’t really see: Just colors and swirls that my eyes could not see the way human eyeballs work, but they could be sensed. The same was true of the ‘sounds’; they could not be heard the way human ears work but they could be felt. So in this segment, some conversation/information was being imparted to me.
Then the dream shifted. In my waking world, the alarm had already gone off. I was just too tired to get up. So as I continued to lay there, the dream shifted to me laying on the grass near a big bush with bright, light pink flowers, many of them. Mostly the flowers were small, slightly trumpet shaped. The sunlight sometimes looked like late afternoon. Sometimes it looked like early morning sun streaming through the trees. As I lay on the grass, which alternately felt warm and cool, I would doze in the dream world just as I did in the waking world. Seems funny to say that when talking about falling back to sleep. I heard a droning sound that was pretty loud, that I recognized, but it took my mind a few minutes to identify the sound. In those few seconds, the sound got weaker, which had me come awake pretty fast because now I knew the sound to be that of a hummingbird. It was hovering right above my head, waiting for me to wake up. It was mostly white, with iridescent green wings and tail. Instead of the red at its throat like the ruby throated hummingbird I’ve seen, it was red at the back of its neck. It was losing strength, and needed me to lift it to the flowers. I lifted my hand to the bird as it lost strength and floated to lay in my hand. I was still laying on the grass, but lifted my hand to the bush back behind me and positioned it’s little beak into the flowers so it could drink the nectar. Its strength returned and it could put its own beak into the flowers. Then the bird gained more strength, and began to hover as hummingbirds do. It let me know it was hungry again, but since I was too slow to lift my hand because I was dozing off again, once I did lift my hand up, it poked me in anger. I laughed, and helped it back to the flowers. We spent a long time communing. I felt the bird and I became good friends. At the same time, I felt that some old energy was communicating through this very young hummingbird to me, or through the situation. Not completely sure what the communication was, but I do feel all of this is related, that I was being instructed by the same beings who were in the consultation room in all the events.
There were 2 levels to becoming aware of this dream. First, as has become usual, I don’t think I’m starting to dream, but I feel myself enter/merge with a world already in progress. This second layer is the new one (to me): the me of the dream seemed to be checking things out or “coordinating” with the sleeping me.
As I entered the dream/merged into that world, the me of the dream was trying to set up for a consultation. My client was a woman we knew back in the Washington DC area: Layne. I couldn’t seem to get the room set up. I was trying to position large, upright clear crystals. I am not sure they were quartz, but had that kind of shape. I couldn’t get something right; whether it was spacing, crystals in relation to the light, or just what. I felt frantic. Layne was getting impatient. As soon as I got the crystals arranged in a way I thought was correct, the light changed or something and I’d have to rearrange the crystals. I was also trying to prepare food for the session, a certain kind of shake. Only I could not seem to get the ingredients correct. I could not seem to get enough light into the shake, and as soon as I thought it was right, something would change and the shake was not right anymore so I could not serve it to Layne for the session. I kept moving frenetically around the room, between that room and the kitchen (which was magical). I couldn’t seem to find anyone to ask for help, even though I faintly felt Tantra but could not seem to reach her. In the room I was trying to set up for the session, first I could feel a being watching in the corner, then I could see ‘him’. He was watching everything, and I could sense/hear input from him. Something about Layne and her reactions, he impressed on me, represented the old world, an old me. He also imparted that I am weak in asking for help, but that was actually too small an interpretation. He actually meant I was insufficiently connected to all that is around me, that many of my interconnections were weak. This was not a criticism, but a kind observation, in that the observation itself changed and strengthened me. I then knew that the consultation with Layne was not real, was incorrect. It all disappeared.
Then the dream shifted to some images that I couldn’t really see: Just colors and swirls that my eyes could not see the way human eyeballs work, but they could be sensed. The same was true of the ‘sounds’; they could not be heard the way human ears work but they could be felt. So in this segment, some conversation/information was being imparted to me.
Then the dream shifted. In my waking world, the alarm had already gone off. I was just too tired to get up. So as I continued to lay there, the dream shifted to me laying on the grass near a big bush with bright, light pink flowers, many of them. Mostly the flowers were small, slightly trumpet shaped. The sunlight sometimes looked like late afternoon. Sometimes it looked like early morning sun streaming through the trees. As I lay on the grass, which alternately felt warm and cool, I would doze in the dream world just as I did in the waking world. Seems funny to say that when talking about falling back to sleep. I heard a droning sound that was pretty loud, that I recognized, but it took my mind a few minutes to identify the sound. In those few seconds, the sound got weaker, which had me come awake pretty fast because now I knew the sound to be that of a hummingbird. It was hovering right above my head, waiting for me to wake up. It was mostly white, with iridescent green wings and tail. Instead of the red at its throat like the ruby throated hummingbird I’ve seen, it was red at the back of its neck. It was losing strength, and needed me to lift it to the flowers. I lifted my hand to the bird as it lost strength and floated to lay in my hand. I was still laying on the grass, but lifted my hand to the bush back behind me and positioned it’s little beak into the flowers so it could drink the nectar. Its strength returned and it could put its own beak into the flowers. Then the bird gained more strength, and began to hover as hummingbirds do. It let me know it was hungry again, but since I was too slow to lift my hand because I was dozing off again, once I did lift my hand up, it poked me in anger. I laughed, and helped it back to the flowers. We spent a long time communing. I felt the bird and I became good friends. At the same time, I felt that some old energy was communicating through this very young hummingbird to me, or through the situation. Not completely sure what the communication was, but I do feel all of this is related, that I was being instructed by the same beings who were in the consultation room in all the events.
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
The crystalline sleeping Dragon wakens. April 14th, 2010
Please reach deep into your mind, your senses, your unusualness. Something is surfacing. Why I do not know. What I do not know. I only know I am linked into the grid of our minds and something is trying to surface. Sarah, you wrote a response to me, write it on FB. FB is part of the neural network of the planet for human beings. Don't laugh. I have been working in "fieldstates" a long time. Through our opening up into what ia working its way through us, as we share it, something materializes. Remember we didn't know what the mountain would be only to come. Then we know. Our minds are holding grids of consciousness. The exhaustion is the biological field slowing us down so we can hear, listen, share....Recharge through the mountain, then listen. Then speak. Do not try to comprehend. Something is working deeply within us to surface. We are often compelled by our enculturation to "get back to business". This shuts out the deeper awarenesses. If you are no longer called by Mimzy, not to worry, but if you still are heed my words.
What came to me.....
The crystalline sleeping Dragon wakens.
Messages surge through her sister’s soil.
Her tail slowly sways back and forth after centuries of slumber.
She burps, the fire churning in her belly from the fire breath.
She senses the children. They stand on her rim in human song.
Sensing them, she makes room. Soil and soul combined.
“Signs will come,” she murmurs, weaving her voice into the grid before her.
They hear….life interrupted.
They come…
The balance of life and death laced in human folly recedes from them.
They made room for the Mother.
They returned to Her Heart.
Loving the Mother, the dragon envelops them in her deep scaled skin.
Translucent with Life’s Own Memory.
What came to me.....
The crystalline sleeping Dragon wakens.
Messages surge through her sister’s soil.
Her tail slowly sways back and forth after centuries of slumber.
She burps, the fire churning in her belly from the fire breath.
She senses the children. They stand on her rim in human song.
Sensing them, she makes room. Soil and soul combined.
“Signs will come,” she murmurs, weaving her voice into the grid before her.
They hear….life interrupted.
They come…
The balance of life and death laced in human folly recedes from them.
They made room for the Mother.
They returned to Her Heart.
Loving the Mother, the dragon envelops them in her deep scaled skin.
Translucent with Life’s Own Memory.
Friday, April 9, 2010
YHWH The names of God: I heard our names
Y-H-W-H “The Yod He Vod/Wod He Letters of Divine Experience representing all the combinations of the Four Letters which reveal the essence of God. The twelve permeations: are YHWH, YHHW, YWHH, HWHY, HYHW, HHYW, HHWY, HYWH, HWYH, WHHY, WHYH, WYHH
The Tetragrammaton revealing the inner essence and Offices of the Divine Eternal Father as He assigns His Glory to the 24-dimensions. The Names also operate as the Codes for physical creation programming the DNA-RNA according to the 64 triplet code of the Flame Letters. In this sense, the tetragrammaton is the vehicle for the programming power of the higher mind, the crown of light that governs the body, the body blueprints and permits the ascending and descending orders of Light’s creation to enter into the dimension of the Adamic race. It is the key to all sacred names and the code that sends Michael, Metatron, and Melchezidek as revealing and governing Lords of the Holy Names to the experiential worlds.
Visualize the power of this name(s) as your body soars in a transparent envelope above the thunderous mountains and canyons, as you call upon the four sacred letters. Find yourself standing before the throne, through divine grace, and witness the effulgence of the tetragrammaton creating the treasury of thought forms and the pillars of the trees of life- the higher sephirothic trees. And you behold the glory of the throne with the council room of the 24 elders who are authoring the new scrolls of life. And then your eyes see the ancient of days, and where the thought forms of “His membrane were called and redispatched. He called into himself those living pictures that are fitted to his membrane in love and energy. (key 307)” …..And now he is calling forth all the Adam Kadmons to participate in the creation of new worlds.
Y-H-W-H, Let Your Name shine upon the righteous and the pious ones, upon the elders and the women of Thy people. Let your letters be placed upon the Crown, the third eye, the throat, the heart so that a Divine energy coupling takes place as we become the Adam Kadmons raised and quickened from the
The Tetragrammaton revealing the inner essence and Offices of the Divine Eternal Father as He assigns His Glory to the 24-dimensions. The Names also operate as the Codes for physical creation programming the DNA-RNA according to the 64 triplet code of the Flame Letters. In this sense, the tetragrammaton is the vehicle for the programming power of the higher mind, the crown of light that governs the body, the body blueprints and permits the ascending and descending orders of Light’s creation to enter into the dimension of the Adamic race. It is the key to all sacred names and the code that sends Michael, Metatron, and Melchezidek as revealing and governing Lords of the Holy Names to the experiential worlds.
Visualize the power of this name(s) as your body soars in a transparent envelope above the thunderous mountains and canyons, as you call upon the four sacred letters. Find yourself standing before the throne, through divine grace, and witness the effulgence of the tetragrammaton creating the treasury of thought forms and the pillars of the trees of life- the higher sephirothic trees. And you behold the glory of the throne with the council room of the 24 elders who are authoring the new scrolls of life. And then your eyes see the ancient of days, and where the thought forms of “His membrane were called and redispatched. He called into himself those living pictures that are fitted to his membrane in love and energy. (key 307)” …..And now he is calling forth all the Adam Kadmons to participate in the creation of new worlds.
Y-H-W-H, Let Your Name shine upon the righteous and the pious ones, upon the elders and the women of Thy people. Let your letters be placed upon the Crown, the third eye, the throat, the heart so that a Divine energy coupling takes place as we become the Adam Kadmons raised and quickened from the
Monday, April 5, 2010
The tethers who knew to gather voice to voice did so to prepare, to set the grid of the work the on site people would do. We set the grid as a biofeedback to the onsiters and back out into the world. We tethered through our witnessing the energies of love in motion, of serving as the new dreamers receiving the facilitation of all of Creation as Tantra describes in the previous post. Here is the recording of the tether call on Easter Sunday:
Easter Sunday tether participant call
Love Deb
Easter Sunday tether participant call
Love Deb
Sunday, April 4, 2010
April 3rd, 2010
There comes this point when we are in the field of Creation that we are clear we are inseparable. In that inseparably, no one wanted to be separated from each other yesterday. We had 5 points to cover over a 6 hour period and off we went. Just as the day before precluded any ability to travel, April 3rd opened up the sky so we could journey to the top of California over an hour away, South Klamath Lake, a bird sanctuary. I know most people do not know the caliber of work that is possible opening up portals within which the extraordinary can occur. Sophia and others came early to open up the portals and when we went to our first one, it was palpable. The Beings asked that people become a dome in groups of 5. I could see the dome structure as people walked out into the portal. Encircled, they were radiant light. Some groups sang. Some were in the silence. You see, the Beings are us and not us. A group of people became the realms of creation they are a unique and essential part of. I watched glowing energetic grids that I had never seen before ever. I could hear the names of every person as their own name of their DNA of love.
Small jet-propelled birds flew low to the ground all around us. As we left eagles flew around us on either side of the road.
From the furthest point we made our way to the next point a vista point on 97. I did not know when Sophia had been there, she had felt the earth move under her feet. Both Sarah and I and others almost fell so unbalanced suddenly as we moved into the portal. These are the kinds of things that make you believer even if you are one. These portals are available to everyone who wishes to visit them and be part of the great earthly cosmic grids that are enveloping us as ourselves.
We made it to Lake Shastina, the most unique and unusual energy. This was where I had found my way as the intensity of the connection persisted when I first connected with the Beings. It was on the boat ramp walk that I opened myself up into what was there to be present to...a moment in time that will live wtih me forever.
After lunch, we found our way to the portal.
"You see, the linear mind is collapsing. We must learn to experience energy, think in geometric shapes, and rhythms. The spiral you see on so many ancient monuments and in original text is not object identified language. It is language that connects us to the universe."
The Beings were teaching us how to connect to them through how we organized ourselves. People practiced feeling their own connection. Connective language is the language of the future. I wonder how long it will take before people realize the devastating effect of object based language on the human consciousness.
I have learned through geometrics, energy, and rhythms. It is why I can be present to what is all around us that we never see. Now others' minds are opening to the universal language of creation. There is no "why" there, there is.
From Lake Shastina, we went 40 miles to the most elemental point near MacCloud. The purpose of our going was to lay crystals at every point. These crystals are both communication connectors as well as remembrance connectors. So much happened. It is impossible to tell here. The energy at Lake Shastina was so intense people were wilting. Then a couple of people startd playing with Lily in the snow. Then others started a snowball fight. There is nothing like enjoying each other and life to refurbished our energy bodies!
The last spot was Lake Siskiyu for those of us who had not taken our crystals there. I sang the song the Being had taught me.
It was complete. Everyone filled out with Light. Faces purified by our commitment to the project. We all looked as if we were new born. Laughing, crying, hugging, we have completed what we had been told to do.
The portal opened and we knew what we were to do between 1 and 3 today. We were the new dreamers. We were going to supported in our dreaming of a new realm of creation for human beings in unity with all life.Vibrant and exhausted we headed back to the lodge for dinner, gathering for a few last words, and bed.
Christ's last recorded words on the cross was, "It is finished." It is finished. Suffering is finished. We are resurrecting new life, new paths, new consciousness, new connectivity that has always been there but we were not yet able for it.
Friday, April 2, 2010
Recording of April 1 Mimzy Call
Those of us who gathered voice to voice last night did so on behalf of the whole. It is a beautiful call to listen to. We'll be gathering again on Sunday April 4 at 9:45am PT/10:45am MT/11:45am CT/12:45pm ET/5:45pm UK or IR time. Call in on 605-475-6006 PIN 999326#
Love Deb
Those of us who gathered voice to voice last night did so on behalf of the whole. It is a beautiful call to listen to. We'll be gathering again on Sunday April 4 at 9:45am PT/10:45am MT/11:45am CT/12:45pm ET/5:45pm UK or IR time. Call in on 605-475-6006 PIN 999326#
Love Deb
Visions--From Don
This morning I meditated as I normally do, but instead of meditating sitting up as I usually do, I lay down and put the crystals on my heart. Almost immediately, I began seeing different visions in my meditation, something that has never happened before. I have been working hard on trying to see through my third eye and have only had a sporadic success, but this morning it was continuous and wonderful.
From Maureen
Sophia calls the Spirits and they come. From all dimensions, from Telos, from other star systems, they are here. We join together in glorious Unity; we are blessed.
Sleeping Next To The Mountain--From Sarah
Last night Tia and I slept on the front porch of the old 1930s magnificent horseranch directly under the mountain. We felt her blessing all night outside, and at 5:00 a.m. I could feel her moist droplets on my face. At 6:30 a.m. we awoke to bits of snow on our bed. It feels as if there is a mother ship directly over us watching, blessing, caring, loving, nourishing, and in the dawn of my eyes just before they opened, I can see the rainbow flakes of light. Yesterday Dove and I scooted down the mountain on our plastic trash bags on our bottoms. We are so grateful for all of you. Thank you!
This is from Holley in Korea (who is from the USA, just lives/works there now):
See what we are ushering in! The Golden Age is upon us! Here is a sign of that...
Newark, N.J., marks first murder-free month in 44 years
In the annals of American urban decay, Newark, N.J., has long stood apart. Five of Newark's last seven mayors have been indicted on criminal charges, and in 1996, Money magazine named Newark — a city of around 280,000 just eight miles outside of New York City — the "Most Dangerous City" in America. In explaining its choice, Money reported that one in every 25 Newark residents had been the victim of a violent crime at some point.
Boy, how times have changed.
Fourteen years after winning that dubious distinction, Newark is in the midst of a drastic turnaround. And today marks a significant milestone in that shift: March 2010 is now in the books as the first month in 44 years that no one was murdered in New Jersey's largest city. In a story time-stamped at 12:01 a.m. this morning, reports:
It's been 32 days since a homicide took place in Newark, marking the first time there has been a slay-free calendar month in the city since 1966.
Police Director Garry McCarthy said he hopes to best a 43-day period from March to April of 2008, the longest span of time without a slaying in the city since 1961. 10 homicides have occurred in Newark since January 1st, and none have taken place in the South Ward, long believed to be Newark's most dangerous section.
Most observers credit the city's turnaround to the aggressive efforts of Mayor Cory Booker, elected in 2006 on pledge to restore the city's economy and civic order. Booker may be best know in the media world for a fake feud he had with Conan O'Brien, but he's an accomplished civic reformer. Prior to his election, Booker lived for eight years in one of the city's more notorious housing projects where he organized tenants to fight the drug gangs that riddled the area.
Shortly after his inauguration, Booker appointed MCarthy, the former NYPD Deputy Commissioner of Operations, to overhaul Newark's beleaguered police department. He collaborated with McCarthy on improved law-enforcement measures such as round-the-clock security cameras to monitor criminal activity throughout the city. Booker has also made a point of patrolling the streets of the city in late evening hours in the company of his security staff.
"We're really encouraged," Booker said in an interview with Yahoo! News about Newark's landmark month without a murder. "This is just another milestone that proves we're making progress in our city. It's really helping pulling the city together."
He also says that he plans to keep building on the achievement. "We're going to continue to push beyond what people think is impossible. We want to show the rest of the country what's possible by doing what we're doing."
— Brett Michael Dykes is a national affairs writer for Yahoo! News.
See what we are ushering in! The Golden Age is upon us! Here is a sign of that...
Newark, N.J., marks first murder-free month in 44 years
In the annals of American urban decay, Newark, N.J., has long stood apart. Five of Newark's last seven mayors have been indicted on criminal charges, and in 1996, Money magazine named Newark — a city of around 280,000 just eight miles outside of New York City — the "Most Dangerous City" in America. In explaining its choice, Money reported that one in every 25 Newark residents had been the victim of a violent crime at some point.
Boy, how times have changed.
Fourteen years after winning that dubious distinction, Newark is in the midst of a drastic turnaround. And today marks a significant milestone in that shift: March 2010 is now in the books as the first month in 44 years that no one was murdered in New Jersey's largest city. In a story time-stamped at 12:01 a.m. this morning, reports:
It's been 32 days since a homicide took place in Newark, marking the first time there has been a slay-free calendar month in the city since 1966.
Police Director Garry McCarthy said he hopes to best a 43-day period from March to April of 2008, the longest span of time without a slaying in the city since 1961. 10 homicides have occurred in Newark since January 1st, and none have taken place in the South Ward, long believed to be Newark's most dangerous section.
Most observers credit the city's turnaround to the aggressive efforts of Mayor Cory Booker, elected in 2006 on pledge to restore the city's economy and civic order. Booker may be best know in the media world for a fake feud he had with Conan O'Brien, but he's an accomplished civic reformer. Prior to his election, Booker lived for eight years in one of the city's more notorious housing projects where he organized tenants to fight the drug gangs that riddled the area.
Shortly after his inauguration, Booker appointed MCarthy, the former NYPD Deputy Commissioner of Operations, to overhaul Newark's beleaguered police department. He collaborated with McCarthy on improved law-enforcement measures such as round-the-clock security cameras to monitor criminal activity throughout the city. Booker has also made a point of patrolling the streets of the city in late evening hours in the company of his security staff.
"We're really encouraged," Booker said in an interview with Yahoo! News about Newark's landmark month without a murder. "This is just another milestone that proves we're making progress in our city. It's really helping pulling the city together."
He also says that he plans to keep building on the achievement. "We're going to continue to push beyond what people think is impossible. We want to show the rest of the country what's possible by doing what we're doing."
— Brett Michael Dykes is a national affairs writer for Yahoo! News.
April 1st, 2010
April 1st, 2010
It is Friday, April 02, 2010. I had started to write the blog last night and my computer mysteriously decided to update and I lost everything. So as in life…I begin again today.
Yesterday was our first day out. We began the morning with Georgia, our beloved chef who has never cooked for 25 people before, having me make eggs. It was so much fun! 50 eggs became scrambled through ingenious and shared means. The pans we used were iron skillets. Let me tell you those are not easy things to lift. I stirred keeping the eggs from burning on the bottom of the pan and, once done, Alice heaved them to roasting ovens where Georgia keeps everything warm in. We are also cooking on a 1900s old fashioned cast iron gas stove with gigantic and uneven burners. What a gas!
We gathered after the Food Mimzys’ had cleaned up and met each other officially and played the bowls to open the space. Then, our lunch all laid out on the covered pool table, we fixed our lunch of soup and sandwich…soup was the incredible Thai Chicken soup from the night before and Carrot Soup for the day. We had all sorts of sandwich meats and my favorite almond butter and mayonnaise!
We took off for the headwaters of the Sacramento River. I left Ohio several years ago and wandered for about six months, then met Glenn who is now with me, and wandered again. When I heard the name Sacramento, I knew the wandering was over. Sacramento means Sacred Moment. It has been that since we moved to the area. Now we were headed to the headwaters of the Sacramento River 220 miles away from where Glenn and I live in the town of Mt. Shasta, cocooned in a Senior Park in the middle of the city.
Sophia, our mystic shaman, led us in ceremony. Beautiful! While we were getting smudged and laying our jewelry in basket on a hip-high tree stump, a little girl and her mom came to fill their water jugs. The headwaters come out of the side of the hill. As we prepared to do ceremony, people kept coming and coming to fill their water bottles. Yet everyone was silent. This kind of event is not strange to Shasta and in the unsaid movement of the people welcomed.
We circled, standing on the bank around the pool that began the Sacramento River. I took off my shoes and slipped into that space of bonding with the earth, the sky, and the heart. As I turned to sit down, a young Native born man was standing there. I walked over to him and he asked what we were doing. I told him we were initiating ourselves into a journey that would end on Sunday joining in creating a common dimensional bridge between higher beings and human beings. He asked if he could drum. I introduced him to Sophia and she gave him her drum. So much happened in the next hour. Sophia rattled doing ceremony with all of us encircling the headwaters. The “boy-man” drummed and sang songs of the earth. I looked up at him once and I was taken into a point of unity. This young long haired dressed in black man celebrating the earth with the white people who have made his home their home.
At one point when there was no drumming or chanting we began to hear a choral of male voices chanting. People could hear it above the sound of the waters while they could not on the other side of the pool hear the drums. No one was visibly there.
I was told later another Native born came and drummed and chanted with us. I was enmeshed in the unity occurring so did not discern a difference, just an appreciation of that the chanting and drumming was there.
We dipped our crystal necklaces we had been given into the waters and moved away in silence. I was drawn to walk down the beginning river that led to my home. I crossed a bridge and made my way into a grove where a single green bench waited from me. I let Lily run and I sat feeling the Beings who now could come in close through the portal of unity that had been created. I cannot describe what it is like to be in an energetic union with the cosmos. Mostly I have that unity with elementals and the primal forces of earth. This is so different. There is an intelligence that is so old, old does not define it. So without the concerns or considerations we experience. Yet so at work on behalf of what connects the fundamental life force of the universe in its integrity and truth.
I will move on now. Other things happened that were exquisite but these things are private to the people who shared them with me. Not for my telling.
We ate lunch there. Some of us curled up in the lush green pads of land linked by wooden crosswalks as the river learned its way. Some gathered at picnic tables.
Getting everyone into cars was hysterical. Human beings are so precious when they begin to experience direct connection and dimensionalizing. C lost her phone. Sue went looking for it. C found her phone that was never lost - then went looking for Sue. Alice, one of the drivers, was so impacted by her experience she was laughing and sharing with great bravado as she sought to contain herself enough to drive the car.
The day was clouding over as we headed for Bonnie Flats, the highest point you can get to in April on Mt Shasta. As our caravan climbed up the mountain, the blue bled through the overcast sky. By the time we got there, the late afternoon had warmed. Lily, my black 50 pound bundle of joy, leapt up the bank sliding and running ecstatically up and down the snow. Who knows how deep the snow was…10 to 20 feet it would seem looking at the trees that were surrounded. We all walked, laughed, and anchored our hearts in the mountain. Some of us laid down on the ground connecting to the inner city of Telos. The mountain as so visible, so commanding, so engulfing. Purple mountain majesty was fully realized. Our souls were thoroughly fed.
Home to rest. The Food Mimzy crew headed for the kitchen to prepare another fine meal. Not only are the meals so full of taste and love, they are colorful and set up with an impeccable eye for beauty. That is the remembrance. Life is beautiful. We are beautiful. What we are connected to is beautiful.
As we got started with our meals, I looked out the window and people from Mt Shasta were coming with their drums for a night of drumming. I was so excited I couldn’t eat. I, we have such a respect for the people of Shasta and how true they have been to the energy that they live in here. I left my plate and headed to meet them. Anne was the drumming leader. She carries that twinkle in her eyes of a very old and wise shaman. I was endeared to her instantly. Every single man and woman there was rich with their own heritage of spirit. I was engulfed by their souls and their simplicities. To live with a mountain such a Shasta pretense in not allowed. You could see they had been carved out of the mountain and were living representations of its spirit.
Karen and her drummers also came from Washington to join us. Everyone had a drum or a rattle, both drumming circles bringing their drums and rattles to share with us. Karen had brought a stone to energize and had done a drumming circle on the mountain earlier that day.
Karen brought a huge gong and an equally huge drum. I will be posting pictures soon. Anne, the elder, led the ritual to begin the drumming. The drumming began. The gong purred up our spines. The large drum held by ropes was played by four people with large drumming sticks. The rest of us rattled and drummed, holding the rhythm of each other and feeding the earth and its wonder, the cosmos and its awe with our sounds. At one point, I saw Sophia standing on the far side of the room holding the rhythm as the room filled with the sounds of creation.
There were 33 of us. A sacred number. As the drumming quieted and stopped, we stayed in the silence a very long time. Eventually, Anne asked us to slip our arms around each others’ waist in circle. We stood. She prayed a prayer of gratitude. People in the circle spoke elegantly of our unity, our love of earth, our joy of being co-creators with the cosmos. We spoke of sacred things. Gave a great squeeze and ended.
So much sharing went on before we left. As someone said, “We were with others of our family, no longer limited by blood -a Family of the Heart.”
We were our own headwaters that night of a new reality. As the Beings say, “You are the new dreamers. We are here to build the future with your dreams.”
(I apologize for not checking for errors. I have to run downstairs and get ready for breakfast!)
It is Friday, April 02, 2010. I had started to write the blog last night and my computer mysteriously decided to update and I lost everything. So as in life…I begin again today.
Yesterday was our first day out. We began the morning with Georgia, our beloved chef who has never cooked for 25 people before, having me make eggs. It was so much fun! 50 eggs became scrambled through ingenious and shared means. The pans we used were iron skillets. Let me tell you those are not easy things to lift. I stirred keeping the eggs from burning on the bottom of the pan and, once done, Alice heaved them to roasting ovens where Georgia keeps everything warm in. We are also cooking on a 1900s old fashioned cast iron gas stove with gigantic and uneven burners. What a gas!
We gathered after the Food Mimzys’ had cleaned up and met each other officially and played the bowls to open the space. Then, our lunch all laid out on the covered pool table, we fixed our lunch of soup and sandwich…soup was the incredible Thai Chicken soup from the night before and Carrot Soup for the day. We had all sorts of sandwich meats and my favorite almond butter and mayonnaise!
We took off for the headwaters of the Sacramento River. I left Ohio several years ago and wandered for about six months, then met Glenn who is now with me, and wandered again. When I heard the name Sacramento, I knew the wandering was over. Sacramento means Sacred Moment. It has been that since we moved to the area. Now we were headed to the headwaters of the Sacramento River 220 miles away from where Glenn and I live in the town of Mt. Shasta, cocooned in a Senior Park in the middle of the city.
Sophia, our mystic shaman, led us in ceremony. Beautiful! While we were getting smudged and laying our jewelry in basket on a hip-high tree stump, a little girl and her mom came to fill their water jugs. The headwaters come out of the side of the hill. As we prepared to do ceremony, people kept coming and coming to fill their water bottles. Yet everyone was silent. This kind of event is not strange to Shasta and in the unsaid movement of the people welcomed.
We circled, standing on the bank around the pool that began the Sacramento River. I took off my shoes and slipped into that space of bonding with the earth, the sky, and the heart. As I turned to sit down, a young Native born man was standing there. I walked over to him and he asked what we were doing. I told him we were initiating ourselves into a journey that would end on Sunday joining in creating a common dimensional bridge between higher beings and human beings. He asked if he could drum. I introduced him to Sophia and she gave him her drum. So much happened in the next hour. Sophia rattled doing ceremony with all of us encircling the headwaters. The “boy-man” drummed and sang songs of the earth. I looked up at him once and I was taken into a point of unity. This young long haired dressed in black man celebrating the earth with the white people who have made his home their home.
At one point when there was no drumming or chanting we began to hear a choral of male voices chanting. People could hear it above the sound of the waters while they could not on the other side of the pool hear the drums. No one was visibly there.
I was told later another Native born came and drummed and chanted with us. I was enmeshed in the unity occurring so did not discern a difference, just an appreciation of that the chanting and drumming was there.
We dipped our crystal necklaces we had been given into the waters and moved away in silence. I was drawn to walk down the beginning river that led to my home. I crossed a bridge and made my way into a grove where a single green bench waited from me. I let Lily run and I sat feeling the Beings who now could come in close through the portal of unity that had been created. I cannot describe what it is like to be in an energetic union with the cosmos. Mostly I have that unity with elementals and the primal forces of earth. This is so different. There is an intelligence that is so old, old does not define it. So without the concerns or considerations we experience. Yet so at work on behalf of what connects the fundamental life force of the universe in its integrity and truth.
I will move on now. Other things happened that were exquisite but these things are private to the people who shared them with me. Not for my telling.
We ate lunch there. Some of us curled up in the lush green pads of land linked by wooden crosswalks as the river learned its way. Some gathered at picnic tables.
Getting everyone into cars was hysterical. Human beings are so precious when they begin to experience direct connection and dimensionalizing. C lost her phone. Sue went looking for it. C found her phone that was never lost - then went looking for Sue. Alice, one of the drivers, was so impacted by her experience she was laughing and sharing with great bravado as she sought to contain herself enough to drive the car.
The day was clouding over as we headed for Bonnie Flats, the highest point you can get to in April on Mt Shasta. As our caravan climbed up the mountain, the blue bled through the overcast sky. By the time we got there, the late afternoon had warmed. Lily, my black 50 pound bundle of joy, leapt up the bank sliding and running ecstatically up and down the snow. Who knows how deep the snow was…10 to 20 feet it would seem looking at the trees that were surrounded. We all walked, laughed, and anchored our hearts in the mountain. Some of us laid down on the ground connecting to the inner city of Telos. The mountain as so visible, so commanding, so engulfing. Purple mountain majesty was fully realized. Our souls were thoroughly fed.
Home to rest. The Food Mimzy crew headed for the kitchen to prepare another fine meal. Not only are the meals so full of taste and love, they are colorful and set up with an impeccable eye for beauty. That is the remembrance. Life is beautiful. We are beautiful. What we are connected to is beautiful.
As we got started with our meals, I looked out the window and people from Mt Shasta were coming with their drums for a night of drumming. I was so excited I couldn’t eat. I, we have such a respect for the people of Shasta and how true they have been to the energy that they live in here. I left my plate and headed to meet them. Anne was the drumming leader. She carries that twinkle in her eyes of a very old and wise shaman. I was endeared to her instantly. Every single man and woman there was rich with their own heritage of spirit. I was engulfed by their souls and their simplicities. To live with a mountain such a Shasta pretense in not allowed. You could see they had been carved out of the mountain and were living representations of its spirit.
Karen and her drummers also came from Washington to join us. Everyone had a drum or a rattle, both drumming circles bringing their drums and rattles to share with us. Karen had brought a stone to energize and had done a drumming circle on the mountain earlier that day.
Karen brought a huge gong and an equally huge drum. I will be posting pictures soon. Anne, the elder, led the ritual to begin the drumming. The drumming began. The gong purred up our spines. The large drum held by ropes was played by four people with large drumming sticks. The rest of us rattled and drummed, holding the rhythm of each other and feeding the earth and its wonder, the cosmos and its awe with our sounds. At one point, I saw Sophia standing on the far side of the room holding the rhythm as the room filled with the sounds of creation.
There were 33 of us. A sacred number. As the drumming quieted and stopped, we stayed in the silence a very long time. Eventually, Anne asked us to slip our arms around each others’ waist in circle. We stood. She prayed a prayer of gratitude. People in the circle spoke elegantly of our unity, our love of earth, our joy of being co-creators with the cosmos. We spoke of sacred things. Gave a great squeeze and ended.
So much sharing went on before we left. As someone said, “We were with others of our family, no longer limited by blood -a Family of the Heart.”
We were our own headwaters that night of a new reality. As the Beings say, “You are the new dreamers. We are here to build the future with your dreams.”
(I apologize for not checking for errors. I have to run downstairs and get ready for breakfast!)
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- Sarah Sharing Writing Regarding Our Bodies: Eckhar...
- The Mimzy Experience
- Deb's Mimzy Dream
- The crystalline sleeping Dragon wakens. April 14th...
- YHWH The names of God: I heard our names
- The tethers who knew to gather voice to voice did ...
- April 3rd, 2010
- Recording of April 1 Mimzy Call Those of us who g...
- Visions--From Don
- From Maureen
- Sleeping Next To The Mountain--From Sarah
- This is from Holley in Korea (who is from the USA,...
- April 1st, 2010
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- Saturate Your Cells!
- METApoints offers private consultations, teleclasses, and telecalls shifting your world, your sense of self, and your way of thinking from separation to unity. You are welcome to take individual classes or develop yourself through a Metapoints curriculum.